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从前有一浙江人曾经夸下海口,天下的文章数他写得最好,其推理的过程可用如下打油诗表示: 天下文章数浙江,浙江文章数钱塘; 钱塘唯有家兄好,我替家兄改文章。且不说这首打油诗的内容是否符合实际,也不想议论打油诗里明显存在的逻辑矛盾,我们只是想说,这首打油诗却颇具连锁推理的韵味!短短的四句话,层层深入推论下去,最后得出老子的文章是天下第一。理由是家兄的文章已盖天下,而我的笔墨则又高出家兄一筹,不然,家兄那天下最好的文章,何以要我来修改呢!从事实上看,这首诗的内容并不真实,但从逻辑上说,却是颇具特色的。无独有偶,有段论证“风沙大,木匠必定会增加”的文字,与上述打油诗相比,可以说具有“异曲同工之妙”,请看: 风沙大,沙眼会多起来,瞎子就会增加;瞎子增加了,算命的会多起来,宰猫就会增加(用作二胡);猫宰多了,老鼠的天敌减少了,老鼠的数量就会增加;老鼠的数量增加了,老鼠磨牙,啃坏的木器就会增加;损坏的木器多 In the past there was a Zhejiang boast the sea mouth, the best he wrote the best of the world’s articles, the process of reasoning can be used as the following oiling poem said: Zhejiang, Zhejiang, the number of articles Qiantang; Qiantang only brother good, I changed my article for my brother. Not to mention whether the content of this first hits poetical match with the actual situation nor do we want to talk about the apparent logical contradictions in the fight poem. We just want to say that this first hits poem has the charm of chain reasoning! , I finally come to the article is the best in the world. The reason is brother’s article has covered the world, and my pen is higher than the brotherhood, otherwise, brother’s best article in the world, why should I modify it! In fact, the poem is not true , But logically, it is quite distinctive. Coincidentally, there is a piece of argument that “the sandstorm is big, the carpenter will surely increase.” Compared with the above-mentioned oiling poem, we can say that there is a " The fortune-telling will increase, the slaughter cat will increase (for the erhu); cat slaughter more, the natural enemy of mice reduced, the number of mice will increase; the number of mice increased, rats molars, eating bad wood It will increase; more damaged wood
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<正> “信息-经济迟早要出现,这是不可阻挡的趋势。因此,我们劝大家应及时对由此而引起的观念上的必然变化做好准备。”这段话是G.格尔肯(Gerken)不久前在其《信息社会中的商业前景》一文中提出的论断。近年来,类似的阐述非常多。不少学者断言,高度工业化国家正在直接向信息社会行进。德国工业联合会的最新出版物就报道说:“信息社会不再是一句空话……。如果我们站在