
来源 :石河子科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:EchoChina
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座落在石河子市中心的石河子织染厂,厂长兼党委书记张祖树同志在改革的大潮中,注重和加强党的思想政治工作、围绕经济建设这个中心,紧跟市场经济的步伐,不断促进经营机制的转变,坚持两个文明一起抓,两个成果一起要,有力地促进了两个文明建设的不断发展.三十多年来,他们始终坚持“质量第一,信誉至上”、坚持技术进步、不断学习和推广先进的管理办法,培训和造就了一批懂技术,善管理的专业技术人员,不断深化改革、加强内部管理.总厂下设的纺纱分厂、帆布分厂、床单分厂、棉毯分厂,厂内实行按分厂核算,在落实经济责任中,分厂对总厂实行经营承包,独立核算.自89以来,由于内部承包方案不断完善和充实,打破了分配制度的平均主义,拉开了工资奖金的档次,奖勤罚懒,更加充分地调动了全厂职工的生产积极性,全厂上下形成了前所未有的凝聚力,1994年实现销售收入8000万元,利税800万元. Located in the Shihezi weaving and dyeing factory in the center of Shihezi, Comrade Zhang Zushu, the director and party secretary of the party, focused on and strengthened the ideological and political work of the party, centered on economic construction, closely followed the pace of the market economy, and continuously promoted operations. The transformation of the mechanism, adhere to the two civilizations together, the two achievements together, and effectively promote the continuous development of the two civilizations. For more than 30 years, they always adhere to the “quality first, reputation first” and adhere to technological progress , continuously learning and promoting advanced management methods, training and bringing up a group of professional and technical personnel who understand technology and good management, continuously deepen reforms and strengthen internal management. Spinning branch, canvas branch, and sheet-sheet division under the factory Factories and cotton blankets branch factories, the factory implements the accounting by branch, in the implementation of economic responsibilities, the branch factory implements the operation contracting to the factory, independent accounting. Since the 89, due to the continuous improvement and enrichment of the internal contracting program, breaking the distribution system Egalitarianism has opened the ranks of salary bonuses, rewarded for diligence and laziness, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of production for all factory workers, and formed an unprecedented cohesive force throughout the factory. 1994 Sales income of 80 million yuan, profits and taxes 8 million yuan.
1994年,水利系统在水电及农村电气化建设事业又开创了新局面: ——水电建设加速发展。在1994年,水电建设的规模和投入均是解放以来的最大的,在建项目总装机达1050万kW,为199
山西省酿酒工业协会一届二次理事会于1995年4月23日至24日在大同市酒厂一分厂(阳高啤酒厂)召开。出席会议的理事23人,列席代表10人。 理事会会长沈正祥同志主持了会议,并对1