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2014年10月20日至23日,党的十八届四中全会在北京召开。回顾改革开放以来历次中共的全会,以“依法治国”作为主题的十八届四中全会是中共党史上的第一次。这引起了国内外普遍关注与巨大反响。全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)是党历史上第一个关于加强法治建设的专项决定,是落实依法治国方略的纲领性文件,为未来中国建设法治国家描绘出新的路线图,堪称法治中国建设的新一轮顶层设计。 From October 20 to 23, 2014, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. Reviewing the plenary sessions of the CPC since the reform and opening up, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee with the theme of “governing the country by law” is the first time in the history of the CPC. This has aroused widespread concern at home and abroad and great repercussions. The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Government on Several Major Issues in Ruling the Country by Law” (hereinafter referred to as “the Decision”) passed by the plenum is the first special decision on strengthening the rule of law in party history and is a programmatic document for implementing the strategy of governing the country according to law. In the future, China will build a new road map for building a country ruled by law and will be called the new round of top-level design for the rule of law in China.
BAsF公司宣布,其正在将设在德国的纺织和皮革染料全球总部迁移至新加坡,以便把经营集中于广大的亚洲市场。 BAsF announced that it is relocating its global headquarters
从严治厂 初战告捷──丰镇发电厂首次实现安全一百天王泽普编者按:一座装机百万千瓦的火电厂实现安全生产100天,这个水准,不要说拿到全国,就是在华北电网也是"低标准,瓜菜代"。本刊所
法国Elf Atochem公司与武汉有机化工公司在武汉建设一家合资企业。Eif占60%股份,武汉有机化工公司占40%股份。预计,该合资 The French company Elf Atochem and Wuhan Organic
法国Rhone-Poulenc涂料和建筑材料(欧洲)分公司决定增加其在Le Havre的TiO2装置产量,计划于1996年投资1900万美元,将生产能力由9.5万t/a扩大至11万t/a。另一套设在法国东部T