
来源 :海洋与湖沼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koptity
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利用油浸系统鉴定法对南海中东部 2 86个表层沉积物样品 63— 1 2 5 μm粒级的矿物鉴定和分析结果表明 ,沉积物中矿物种类丰富 ,有 5 7种 ;矿物组成以轻矿物为主 ,重矿物含量较低 ;与中国其他海区相比 ,以铁锰微结核、磁铁矿、普通辉石和火山玻璃的高含量为特征。根据矿物来源和成因的研究 ,可分为陆源碎屑矿物、自生沉积矿物、火山碎屑矿物、生物骨屑矿物和宇宙来源矿物 5类。为了定量地探讨沉积物中矿物组合及其空间分布 ,根据特征矿物的相似性对 2 86个样品 2 2种矿物变量进行Q 型聚类分析 ,将南海中东部表层矿物分布划分为陆源、混合、自生、火山 4个矿物组合区。各组合区中矿物组成和含量上的变化反映了物质来源和沉积环境的差异。 The identification and analysis of the 63-125 μm grain size of 2 86 surface sediment samples in the middle and eastern South China Sea using the oil-in-oil system identification method show that there are 57 mineral species in the sediments. The minerals are composed of light minerals Dominated by heavy minerals, and is characterized by high levels of iron-manganese micropnagnetic magnetite, pyroxenite, pyroxene and volcanic glass as compared with other sea areas in China. According to the study of the origin and cause of the mineral, it can be divided into five types: terrigenous detrital minerals, authigenic sedimentary minerals, pyroclastic minerals, biological bone mineral and cosmic mineral. In order to quantitatively investigate the mineral assemblages and their spatial distribution in sediments, Q-type cluster analysis was performed on 22 mineral variables of 2 86 samples according to the similarity of the characteristic minerals. The surface mineral distribution in the eastern and southern parts of the SCS was classified as terrestrial source, Spontaneous volcano 4 mineral combination area. Changes in mineral composition and content in each combination zone reflect differences in material sources and depositional environments.
于1995年6月-1997年12月,对徐家河水库枝角类优势种群的密度和近太湖新银鱼(Neos alanx pseudotaihuensis)的生物量(单位努力量渔获量)进行了初步调查,以期研究银鱼与浮游动