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市人民委员会批转东郊区荒草坨公社财贸蹲点工作组“关于挖掘社会资源解决中型农具需要的报告”(66)委财字3号一九六六年七月二十四日现将东郊区荒草坨公社财贸蹲点工作组“关于挖掘社会资源解决中型农具需要的报告”批转给你们。他们通过深入蹲点,组织当地供销部门,帮助生产队挖掘社会资源,解决了中型农具需要,同时,找到了稻改旱地区自力更生解决中型农具需要的具体方向和办法。实践证明,这项工作既有经济意义,又有政治意义,体现了党的勤俭办一切事业的方针和多快好省的建设社会主义总路线的精神。这项经验,从本市郊区稻改旱任务看,是具有普遍指导意义的。希结合你地区的具体情况,抓紧时机,研究推广。 City People’s Committee approved transfer of the eastern suburbs of the grass Lituo commune finance and trade working group “on the excavation of social resources to solve the needs of medium-sized farm tools ” Report (66) Commission March 3, 1966 on July 24 East Suburbs Lushutuo commune finance and trade working group “on the excavation of social resources to solve the needs of medium-sized farm tools, ” approved forwarded to you. Through in-depth visits, they organized local supply and marketing departments to help the production team excavate social resources and solved the needs of medium-sized farm tools. At the same time, they also found specific directions and measures for solving the problems of medium-sized farm tools needed for self-reliance in dryland areas. Practice has proved that this work has both economic and political meanings, embodies the party’s principle of diligence and thrift in all its undertakings and the principle of a more prosperous and prosperous province in building the general line of socialism. This experience, from the suburbs of the city to change rice drought task, is of universal guiding significance. Greek combined with the specific conditions of your area, seize the opportunity to study and promote.
现将《国务院、中央军委关于军队转业干部工资待遇问题的通知》(国发[1985]135号)转发给你们,请遵照执行。在执行中遇到的问题,请向市人事局反映。 We hereby forward the
7,000-ton freighter began to sink after it had been torpedoed by USS “Grouper” of the 81st division of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Submarine Force on the previous