巍巍燕山深处,莽莽群山如巨龙般纵横于青龙境内。曾几时,大山成为生活在这片热土上的人们致富的一个极大障碍。现如今,它又无私地给予他们一种取之不尽、用之不竭的丰富资源——花岗岩石材。勤劳的青龙人民正在让“点石成金”的传说变成现实。 青龙石材开发始于1986年,然而到了1998年也只有24家,48台锯,处于自我发展状态。1998年8月,新一届县委、县政府审时度势,科学分析县情,
In the depths of Yanshan Mountain, the vast mountains are like dragons and dragons in Qinglong. At that time, Dashan became a great obstacle to becoming rich in people living on this hot land. Nowadays, it is selflessly giving them an inexhaustible and abundant resource - granite stone. The industrious Qinglong people are making the legend of “stone and gold” a reality. Qinglong stone development began in 1986, but in 1998 there were only 24, 48 saws, in self-development. In August 1998, the new county party committee and county government reviewed the situation and scientifically analyzed the situation in the county.