语文科复习 阅读写作并重

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一、阅读例1.阅读下面一段文字,完成后面的问题。眼睛是人和动物的重要感觉器官。人眼从外界获得的信息,不仅比其他感觉器官多得多,而且有些是其他感觉器官所不能获得的。据研究,从外界进入人脑的信息,有百分之九十以上来自眼睛。(摘自《眼睛与仿生学》)对这段文字提供的信息,理解不准确的一项是()A.在人和动物的各种感觉器官中,眼睛是最重要的感觉器官B.作为感觉器官,人眼的重要性并不只在于获得的信息最多C.从外界进入人脑的信息,有一部分是只能通过眼睛获得的D.人通过耳、鼻、舌、身获得的信息不足进入人脑 I. Reading Example 1. Read the following paragraph to complete the following questions. The eyes are important sensory organs for humans and animals. The human eye gets more information from the outside world than just other sensory organs, and some are not available from other sensory organs. According to research, more than 90% of information that enters the human brain from the outside world comes from the eyes. (From “Eyes and Bionics”) The inaccurate understanding of the information provided in this passage is () A. Among the various sensory organs of humans and animals, the eye is the most important sensory organ. The importance of organs and human eyes is not limited to obtaining the most information. C. The information that enters the brain from the outside world, and some of them can only be obtained through the eyes. D. The information obtained through the ears, nose, tongue, and body is insufficient to enter people. brain
My teammates on the Unit ed States Disabled Ski Team used to tease me about the size of my chest, jok ing that my great est hand i cap wasn’t my missing leg but my missing cleavage1. Little did they k