一、话题导读rn地震虽然目前是人类无法避免和控制的,但如果掌握了一些防灾知识,我们是可以在灾难中将伤害和损失降到最低的.rnTips for Earthquake SafetyrnA little knowledge and some simple precautions can help you survive when the Big One strikes.Use these tips to prepare yourself for an earthquake on campus.rnDuring an Earthquake:rn1.Remain calm as the quake happens —others will respond to your actions.A cool head can prevent panic.If you are indoors when the shaking occurs,stay there.Move away from windows and unsecured tall furniture.Drop,cover and hold on under a desk,a table or along an interior wall.Protect your head,neck and face.Stay under cover until the shaking stops and debris settles.