中国华南珠江三角洲已组成新的经济区,经济开始由分散化向一体化方向发展,其整体优势已初露端倪。 珠江三角洲包括广州、深圳、珠海三个市的市区及28个市、县,总面积4.74万平方公里,占广东全省面积的1/4,人口均2000万人,占全省的1/3。 珠江三角洲经过十多年的改革开放,成为中国经济发展最快、生活最富裕的地区。其国内生产总值平均每年递增18%以上,工业总产值平均每年递增22%以上,外贸出口年递增27%以上,居民收入年递增
The Pearl River Delta in South China has formed a new economic zone, and the economy has started to move from decentralization to integration. Its overall advantages have begun to emerge. The Pearl River Delta includes urban areas and 28 cities and counties in three cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai with a total area of 47,400 square kilometers, accounting for 1/4 of the total area of Guangdong Province with a population of 20 million people, accounting for 1 / 3. After more than a decade of reform and opening up, the Pearl River Delta has become the fastest-growing and most affluent part of China’s economy. Its GDP has risen by more than 18% each year on average, its industrial output value has increased by more than 22% annually on average, its export volume has increased by more than 27% annually, and its annual income has been increasing