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那是一种内在与外表完美统一的美丽:两鬓微露的银丝与眼角的皱纹掩饰不住她端庄秀雅的面庞,自信与恬淡清晰地写在脸上。人常说,有梦想的人是美丽的,是那种追求尽善尽美、播种理想并且收获到果实的美丽。这种恒久的美附着在任何一个年龄层的人身上,都会绽放出异彩。今年55岁的公安部DNA It was a perfect unity of appearance and inner beauty: the twinkling of silver and the wrinkles of the corner of the eye could not conceal her dignified and elegant face, which was written with confidence and tranquility clearly on her face. People often say that the person who has the dream is beautiful, the beauty that pursues perfection, seeding the ideal and reap the fruits. This permanent beauty attached to anyone of any age group, will bloom a splendor. 55-year-old Ministry of Public Security DNA
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进入冬季,天气日益变凉,气候也异常干燥,人们应注意预防以下四种常见但又容易忽视的病症。鼻出血病因:因为气温逐渐变低,空气干燥而导致鼻腔也干燥,鼻腔毛细血管扩张。另 In