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“十太杰出人物”即将诞生由中国畜产品加工研究会牵头,联合多家新闻媒体举办的第二届中国肉品加工业“十大杰出科技人物”评选活动,现正在进行中。本次活动由中国肉类科技大会组委会具体承办。大会组委会已于2005年3月28日将“关于推荐第二届中国肉品加工业‘十大杰出科技人物’参与评选的通知”以中国畜产品加工研究会2005年第4号文件的形式发往全国各肉类产业相关单位。到申报截止日期6月30日,大会组委会陆续收到全国推荐来的候选人材料。经初步审核,有32人符合候选条件和标准。现刊出32位候选人简介情况,请中国肉类产业各位人士提出宝贵建议。本次活动在行业内外各企事业单位的积极参与下,在北京市公证处的监督指导下,本着公平、公正、公开的原则,由专家评审委员会评审产生。活动旨在通过倡导“科技与人才”这个时代主题,进一步推动中国肉类产业快速、健康、有序发展。评选结果将于9月23-26日在北京建银大厦召开的第五届中国肉类科技大会上予以公布。 “Ten Outstanding People” is about to be born The second “Top Ten Outstanding Science and Technology Personnel” selection events held by a number of news media in China led by the China Livestock Products Processing Research Association is under way. This event is organized by China Meat Science and Technology Conference Organizing Committee. Organizing Committee of the General Assembly on March 28, 2005 will be “on the recommendation of the second session of the Chinese meat processing industry ’s top ten outstanding scientific and technological personnel to participate in the selection of the notice” to China Animal Products Processing Research Council 2005 No. 4 document Form sent to the relevant units of the meat industry. To the deadline for the declaration June 30, the organizing committee gradually received the candidate materials recommended by the country. After preliminary examination, 32 candidates met the criteria and criteria. We now publish a briefing on 32 candidates, asking people from the Chinese meat industry to come up with valuable suggestions. With the active participation of all enterprises and institutions both inside and outside the industry and under the supervision and guidance of the Beijing Notary Office, this activity is judged by the expert review committee based on the principle of fairness, fairness and openness. The campaign aims to further promote the rapid, healthy and orderly development of China’s meat industry by advocating the theme of “science and technology and talent”. The selection results will be announced on September 23-26 at the Fifth China Meat Science and Technology Conference held at Beijing Jianyin Mansion.
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王胜是那种让男生见了会冒汗的女生。她转学过来后,第一次物理竞赛就拿了第一名,拉开第二名十多分。我想是不是取了男孩名的女孩都比较聪颖。当然,王胜还不只是物理尖子,市里的电视散文竞赛她是二等奖,还有校园歌手奖,英语演讲比赛冠军……  因此,当老师安排她做我同桌时,我心里直发毛是有理由的。还好王胜是个健谈的人。她告诉我说,前世的五百次回头才换来今生的同桌,所以要好好珍惜。我对她这种显然很小女生的说法不屑
森林里,有几只野猪非常凶悍,经常威胁到森林边上村里人的安全,几位有经验的猎人很想捕获它们,但这些野猪却很狡猾,从不上当。 In the forest, several wild boars are very