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国家计委关于印发《全国设备管理优秀单位评选办法》的通知各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市经委、计委(计经委),国务院有关部、局、总公司: 为了进一步加强企业设备管理基础工作,改善企业技术装备素质,不断提高设备管理现代化水平,更好地为提高企业产品质量,降低物质能源消耗,保证安全生产,增加经济效益服务,按照国务院《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》第35条规定,国家计委在总结前两届全国设备管理评优工作经验的基础上,决定今后继续组织开展全国设备管理优秀单位的评选活动。为了更好地组织推动这项工作,现将重新修订的《全国设备管理优秀单位评选办法》印发给你们,望认真组织实施。执行中有何经验、问题糊建议,请及时与我委生声调度局联系,以便不断研究改进这项工作。按照评选办法,第三届全国设备管理优秀单位的评选年度为1988~1989年,国家计委将在1990年上半年组织全国评选,具体做法将另行通知。 1989年9月22日 Notice of the State Development Planning Commission on Printing and Distributing the “Measures for the Selection of Outstanding Units for National Equipment Management” by provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, separately listed municipal economic commissions and planning commissions (economic planning commissions), relevant State Council departments, bureaus, and head offices: To further strengthen the basics of enterprise equipment management Work, improve the quality of enterprise technical equipment, continuously improve the modernization level of equipment management, better improve product quality, reduce material and energy consumption, ensure safe production, and increase economic efficiency services, in accordance with the “Regulations on State-owned Industrial Transportation Enterprises Equipment Management” of the State Council Article 35 stipulates that the State Development Planning Commission, on the basis of summing up the experience of the previous two national equipment management appraisals, has decided to continue to organize and conduct the selection and appraisal activities for outstanding units in the national equipment management in the future. In order to better organize this work, the revised “Measures for Selection of Outstanding Units in National Equipment Management” will be printed and distributed to you. We hope to implement it carefully. What are the experiences and questions and suggestions in the implementation? Please contact the Shengsheng Dispatching Bureau of the Committee in order to continuously research and improve this work. According to the selection method, the third national equipment management excellence unit will be selected from 1988 to 1989. The State Planning Commission will organize a nationwide selection in the first half of 1990. Specific practices will be announced separately. September 22, 1989
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