In the United States, the company’s regularly published financial reports include various financial statements and some narrative financial information. The published report must be timely, objective, and fair. Special emphasis should also be placed on the completeness of information disclosure by the reporting system to meet the needs of different reporting users for investment decisions and supervision of management activities. Because, in the increasingly fierce competition, the increasingly complex trade activities, the general public often pay special attention to the degree of disclosure of financial reports. A fully disclosed financial information can enable readers of the report to fully understand the financial status of the company under the conditions as far as possible, and conduct closer analysis and evaluation in order to facilitate investors and creditors to make reasonable decisions. If the user’s decision-making mistakes are caused by insufficient or unrealistic disclosure of the report, the company is usually liable. At the same time, the fully disclosed financial report expanded the influence of the company from another side, reflecting the efficiency of the company’s management work, and also facilitating the collection of more funds. Therefore, based on the above reasons, in the United States, a high-quality, fully disclosed financial report usually includes the following basic aspects: