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我省一九四九年的秋征工作,除基本地区已大体完成以外,其余尚未完全结束,兹为迅速准备夏季征收工作,对结束去年秋征特作如下决定:一、去年秋征工作一律要求于五月底结束。二、结束时所有尾欠应分虽对象,分别地区,加以分别处理:1.凡系力能缴纳而拖欠者,应于短期内追缴完毕;其有意抗缴者,由县以上政府依法处理。2.凡确因缺乏势力及生活困难或系公田产量过少,不能如数缴纳时,则根据不同对象予以减缴或缓缴。3.凡受灾地区,灾情严重,在秋征时应减而未减者,应根据灾情程度分别予以减免照顾。4.个别地区,个别户任务分配不当,负担过重致无力全部完纳者,应依实际状况减少其任务数,限期完成。 In addition to basically completed basic areas, the rest of the province’s labor recruitment work in 1949 was not yet completed completely. It is intended to promptly prepare for the summer collection work and make the following decisions to end the special autumn harvest last year: First, The request ends in late May. Second, the end of all owed should be divided into objects, respectively, the region, to be dealt with separately: 1. Where the Department of power to pay the arrears, should be recovered in the short term is completed; their intended defrauding by the government at or above the county according to law. 2. Where there is a real lack of power and living difficulties, or if the yield of public property is too small, it can not be paid in full, then it is subject to reduction or hold over according to different targets. 3. Where the disaster area, the disaster is serious, should be reduced in the autumn sign, should be based on the extent of the disaster relief were taken care of. 4. In some regions and individual households, due to the improper distribution of tasks and overburdening of all those who are unable to afford them, the number of their tasks should be reduced according to the actual situation and the deadline should be completed.
摘要:教学方法是影响教学质量的主要因素,因此,在初中化学教学中,要想提高教学质量就必须更新教学理念,创新教学方法,激发学生产生良好的学习兴趣,促进学生思维的发展.本文就初中化学教学质量的提升与同行进行探讨,旨在促使初中化学教学质量的不断提升.  关键词:教学质量;兴趣;初中化学;化学素养  一、充分应用多媒体,创设良好的教学情境  近年来,随着计算机多媒体技术的飞速发展,对教学情境的创设也产生了重
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