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日前,美重要政府智库——华盛顿战略与预算评估中心的4位专家共同撰写了题为《空海战斗:启航点作战概念》的研究报告。这份报告明确说明美军研究“空海战斗概念”的直接目的即为应对中国海空军事力量的崛起,以破坏所谓中国坚持的“区域拒止”战略。报告用144页的篇幅分析了中国海空力量发展对美军构成的战争威胁、美军如何进一步加强空、海联合作战能力来应对这种威胁、并为美军发展“空海战斗概念”提出了诸多操作性很强的建议。值得注意的是,这份报告的作者基本上都在五角大楼的重要战略设计部门——纯评估办公室工作过,对美军在西太地区的军事能力拥有比较充分的认识和了解。在美军对“空海战斗概念”的研究尚未结束的情况下,这份报告为外界管窥美空、海军未来联合作战发展方向提供了相较清晰视角。特别是这份报告详细地设想了未来中美发生军事冲突的各种可能战争场景,很值得我们关注。 A few days ago, four experts from the Washington Government’s strategic think-tank and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Evaluation jointly wrote a research report entitled “Battle of the Empty Sea: Concept of Fighting at Departures Point.” This report clearly shows that the direct purpose of the U.S. military’s study of the concept of “air and sea fighting” is to respond to the rise of China’s military forces at sea and air and to undermine the so-called “regional refusal” strategy that China insists. The report uses 144 pages to analyze the threat of war to the U.S. military as a result of China’s sea-air power development. How the U.S. military can further strengthen its joint air and sea combat capabilities to deal with this threat and put forward many proposals for the U.S. military’s concept of air and sea combat. Very user-friendly advice. It is noteworthy that the authors of this report basically all worked in the pure evaluation office of the Pentagon’s key strategic design department and had a relatively full understanding and understanding of the U.S. military’s military capabilities in the Western Pacific. With the U.S. military’s study of the concept of “empty-air combat” not yet completed, the report provides a clearer perspective on the outside world with a glimpse of the future direction of joint operations between the United States and the U.S. Navy. In particular, this report devises in detail the various possible war scenes in which the Sino-U.S. Military conflict will occur in the future and deserves our attention.
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(一)念奴娇·中秋步野眖景  浊鲸激荡,  洋流水、叱咤乾坤人物。  蹈绝东夷身负志:  中华儿郎俊逸。  秋水茫茫,  霜露冽冽,  零落幽咽雨。  郊寒岛瘦,  衣带消得渐悴。  旧时吹箫紫烟,  怨憎不得,  殇殁益无辍。  缺月风寒,漏断间,  繁花萧然残落。  悲发丛生,  古今寄忆,  不才多见弃。  匹夫皓首,  众里阑珊未悔。  (二)渔歌子·伊人离别无回首  绿满山川强看山,  
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宽恕 不美的风  一月八日,笛声祥和而低矮,麻雀起降麦苗油绿的沉默,左右献歌,发条完好的野兔悠然步行,与风,与雾,共荣或疯癫,巡视过田庄的鸽子,栖息屋檐飞角,交换心或体温,牛羊按照手势,小跑一阵之后,用知觉抚摸、问询,再嗅嗅谦卑的干草,先是一丛,然后是一片,缀满夕阳的小路,风送来湖水的香气。  一月八日,天黑得很快,缓缓散落的光斑,加重道路的弯曲,滴血的云落入河水,落在孱弱的树,鱼群一阵争抢之后,
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读到一篇《为什么说我们应当主动选择脆弱》的文章,“脆弱”指的是,我们在面对生活的不确定、风险以及在需要情感投入时,会感受到的一种情绪状态。人们往往是在一瞬间感到脆弱,然后立刻转化为由脆弱唤起的自我防御。人会本能地掩饰自己的脆弱,因为脆弱被视为一种虚弱,不掩饰脆弱就意味着自曝其短。而且,在这个世界上,一般认为,只有弱者才虚弱,而强者则可以选择不脆弱。  既然如此,人为什么要主动选择脆弱呢?这是出于一