
来源 :黑龙江金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangjl41
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实施东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略以来,黑龙江省虽然取得了阶段性成果,但我们还要清醒地看到,我省老工业基地体制性、结构性等深层次矛盾有待进一步解决,已经取得的成果有待进一步巩固,加快发展的巨大潜力有待进一步发挥。2014年8月19日,国务院印发了《关于近期支持东北振兴若干重大政策举措的意见》,要求抓紧实施一批重大政策举措,巩固扩大东北地区振兴发展成果、努力破解发展难题、依靠内生发展推动东北经济提质增效升级。本文以黑龙江省为例,选择银行业 Since the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing old industrial bases such as the northeastern region, Heilongjiang Province has achieved some initial results. However, we must clearly understand that the deep-seated contradictions in the system and structure of our old industrial base need to be further resolved. The results need to be further consolidated and the great potential for accelerating development needs to be further developed. On August 19, 2014, the State Council issued the Opinions on Recent Major Policy Initiatives in Supporting the Revitalization of Northeast China. It called for the implementation of a number of major policy initiatives to consolidate and expand the results of the revitalization and development of the Northeast region, work hard to solve development problems, and rely on endogenous development. Promote economic upgrading and efficiency upgrading in Northeast China. This article takes Heilongjiang Province as an example to choose banking industry
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针对藏医药产业发展现状,探讨其发展所面临的困难和机遇,提出发展的思路与前景。 In view of the status quo of Tibetan medicine industry development, the difficulties
As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China’s iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon tra