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各位来宾、各位代表: 今天我们济济一堂,在这里召开中国钱币学会一九九二年年会。欢庆中国钱币学会成立十周年,同时也祝贺中国钱币博物馆的开馆。这是我国钱币学界的一件大事,它标志着中国钱币学会在十一届三中全会路线的指引下,已经走过了一段创业的历程。过去的十年,中国钱币事业是建国以来发展最快的十年,也是取得多方面成就的十年,是钱币界同仁奋发努力,团结协作,积极进取的十年。回顾十年,我们主要做了十二件事情: ——发展学会组织,建设起比较广泛的会员队伍。目前,全国(除台湾省外)各省、自治区、直辖市都已成立了钱币学会,不少地方的地、市、县也成立了学会组织,学会的三级会员已达万人以上。学会的团体会员中,既有钱币研究单位,钱币收藏单位,也有钱币生产单位;个人会员中既有专家学者、富有经验的金融货币工作者、文物考古工作者,也有多年从事搜集、整理钱币的收藏家和爱好者,这样一支会员队伍的形成,为推进我们的事业打下了较为坚实的基础。 Distinguished guests and distinguished delegates, Today we all gather together to hold the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Numismatic Institute here. Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the China Numismatic Institute, and also congratulate the opening of the China Numismatic Museum. This is a major event for our numismatics community. It marks the beginning of a pioneering journey by the China Numismatics Society under the guidance of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. In the past ten years, the cause of China’s coin industry has been the fastest-growing decade since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is also the decade that many achievements have been made. It is also the decade in which the coin sector colleagues work hard, are united, and are enterprising. Looking back ten years, we mainly do a dozen things: - Development Society, building a wider membership team. At present, all the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the country have set up the Numismatic Institute, and many localities, cities and counties have also set up academic societies, and the third-level members of the Institute have reached more than 10,000. Among the members of the Institute, there are not only research institutes for coins, units for collecting coins, but also units for producing coins. Individual members include experts and scholars, experienced financial money workers, cultural relics archaeologists, and many years of collecting and sorting coins Collectors and enthusiasts, the formation of such a member team, to promote our cause and laid a solid foundation.
第一章总则第一条本会定名为中国钱币学会(CHINA NUMISMATIC SOCIETY.缩写:CNS)。第二条本会是全国钱币学、货币史研究者,钱币工作者,收藏者的群众性学术团体。第三条本会的
鉴于国际档案理事会会章第42款规定,各地区档案机构和档案工作者希望加强所在地区合作者可组成国际档案理事会地区分会; 鉴于1993年7月在中国北京成立的国际档案理事会东亚
对轴承钢连铸坯中夹杂物进行了检测,发现铸坯中存在大尺寸的Ti N夹杂物。从热力学和动力学方面研究了凝固过程选分结晶对Ti N夹杂物析出的影响。热力学分析表明,液相线温度以