
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianpingdujuan
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历史是一门综合文科课程,具有很强的实践性、人文性、综合性。新课程标准为历史教学提出了“知识与能力”、“过程与方法”、“情感与价值观”三个层次的目标。课程改革的根本目的是要形成让学生乐于探究、勤于动手、富有情感、善于分析并积极投身社会生活,亲身体验实践过程的课程体系和教学环境。历史作业是一种有目的、有组织的学习活动,是教学的基本环节,有助于所学知识的巩固、深化,有益于技能、智力和创造才能的发展,是提高学生素质,理解、巩固课堂教学内容的重要载体,也是联系课堂内外的桥梁。初中历史作业设计要力求体现课改的理念,凸现学生的主体地位,贴近学生的实 History is a comprehensive liberal arts course, with a strong practical, cultural, comprehensive. The new curriculum standards for history teaching put forward the “knowledge and ability”, “process and method”, “emotion and value ” three levels of goals. The fundamental purpose of curriculum reform is to form a curriculum system and teaching environment that students are willing to explore, diligent and full of emotion, who are good at analyzing and actively participating in social life and experiencing the process of practice. Historical homework is a purposeful and organized learning activity. It is an essential part of teaching. It helps to consolidate and deepen what we have learned. It is conducive to the development of skills, intelligence and creative ability. It is to improve the quality of students, to understand and to consolidate An important carrier of classroom teaching content, but also the bridge between the inside and outside the classroom. Junior high school history homework design should strive to embody the concept of curriculum reform, highlighting the dominant position of students, close to the students
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综述了 19-失碳 - 1α,2 5 -二羟基维生素 D3A环合成子的合成方法 ,并分析和讨论了各方法的特点 The synthetic methods of 19-nor-1α, 2 5 -dihydroxyvitamin D3A ring sy