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对68个橡胶无性系112树龄的茎围及产量性状进行相关分析的结果显示,第16树龄(苗期)和712树龄(成龄期)茎围,以及第712树龄胶乳产量间的基因型相关系数均达极显著水平。同时,不同树龄之间在苗期茎围(girth A),成龄期茎围(girth B),以及橡胶年产量(yield)上的等级相关系数也达到显著水平,并且该系数随树龄增大而减小。试验结果还表明,当希望在某一树龄从现有68个无性系中分别筛选出30、15、10及5个最优无性系时,其选择成功率通常会依次下降。根据等级相关分析,若要在6龄时从68个参试无性系中分别选出30、15、5及3个最优无性系,可分别通过(a)在2龄时选出36个,(b)在3龄时选出20个,(c)在4龄时选出8个,以及(d)在5龄时选出3个最佳无性系得以实现。当以girthA或girthB,以及yield为目标性状并通过(a)到(d)4个步骤进行优良无性系的选择时,其选择成功率可分别达到80%和76.7%以上。为了使大多数入选无性系尽早实现扩繁,应当在2龄时即从68个参试无性系中选出最优的36个(即60%)进行芽接繁殖。 Correlation analysis of stem diameter and yield traits at the age of 112 clones of 68 rubber clones showed that genotype-related between the 16th (seedling) and 712th (stem) stems and the 712th seedling The coefficients reach a significant level. At the same time, the rank correlation coefficients of girth A, girth B and yield of rubber reached the significant level among different ages, and the coefficient increased with the increase of tree age And reduce. The test results also show that when it is desired to screen 30, 15, 10 and 5 optimal clones respectively from the existing 68 clones at a certain age, the success rate of selection usually decreases in turn. According to the rank correlation analysis, if 30, 15, 5 and 3 optimal clones were selected from the 68 tested clones at the 6th age, respectively, (a) 36 were selected at the 2nd instar, (b) 20 at age 3, (c) 8 at age 4, and (d) 3 best clones at age 5. When girthA or girthB, and yield, were the target traits and the elite clones were selected in 4 steps (a) to (d), the success rate of selection could reach 80% and 76.7% respectively. In order to achieve the expansion of most of the selected clones at an early date, the optimal number of 36 (60%) of the 68 tested clones should be selected for sprouting propagation at the 2nd instar.
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