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2月27日,习近平主持中央深改小组会议通过了《中国足球改革总体方案》。会议指出,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦与中国体育强国梦息息相关,发展振兴足球是建设体育强国的必然要求,也是全国人民的热切期盼。这不仅是中国足球史上里程碑式的事件,有助于中国体育实现跨越发展,还有助于增强国民的幸福感和获得感。同时,作为全面深化改革的一部分,足球改革也能为其他领域的改革带来 On February 27, Xi Jinping presided over the meeting of the Central Committee for the Reform and Reform adopted the “Overall Plan for the Reform of China’s Football.” The meeting pointed out that the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’s dream of China and the strong dream of sports are closely related to the development and promotion of football is a necessary requirement for the construction of a powerful country for sports as well as the fervent hope of the people throughout the country. This is not only a landmark event in the history of Chinese football, helping to achieve leapfrog development in sports in China, but also helping to enhance people’s sense of happiness and empathy. At the same time, as part of a comprehensive and deepening reform, football reform can also bring about reforms in other fields
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