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中国花鸟画在历史发展过程中,缘物寄情,托物言志始终是其具有的典型特征。这也是它逐渐形成以写生为基础,以工笔或写意为表现方法的原因。花鸟画的创作与欣赏体现着人们的志趣、情操与思想追求,更是适应我国人民社会审美需要的结果。唐代李正封“国色朝酣酒,天香夜染衣”的诗句,概括了牡丹以其雍容华贵、富丽堂皇的形态,被作为兴旺发达、美好幸福的象征含义。现为清华大学美术学院当代艺术创作研究生班学员的杨丽凤,她 In the process of historical development, the flower and bird painting in China has always been the typical characteristic of the fate of the objects and the fetish. This is also the reason why it is gradually formed based on sketching and writing by means of calligraphy or freehand writing. The creation and appreciation of flowers and birds paintings embody the people’s interest, sentiments and ideological pursuits, and are the result of adapting to the aesthetic needs of our people’s society. In the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhenglian embraced the verses of “nationality towards the dying wine and the fragrance of the night”, which summed up the symbolic meaning of the peony as its flourishing and beautiful happiness with its graceful and magnificent appearance. Yang Li-feng is currently a student of the Graduate School of Contemporary Art at Tsinghua University
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一、引言 沿海岸各种工程的设计以及对海岸演变过程的了解,要求我们必须知道靠岸水波的能量是如何变化的。很明显,波在进入海滩或浅水域后的能量有赖于它在深水时的能量,而
A hundred and eleven samples were collected from the Permian-Triassic boundarysection of Meishan (31.1°N, 119.7°E) which includes the Changxing Format
The adsorptive behaviour of CNA and Nd~(3+)-CNA complex has been studied by linear sweeping voltammetry. Some thermodynamic properties such as the surface conc
本真的呈现:刘洁的墨象The Expression of the Real:On LIU Jie’s Works陶咏白TAO Yongbai初见刘洁,她说她16岁就认识我。我纳闷,何时我有过这位小朋友?她告诉我,“文革”年
AIM: To investigate the association between epidermal growth factor (EGF) +61A/G polymorphism and susceptibility to gastric cancer, through a cross-sectional st