
来源 :电加工快报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawnsun
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一,前言我厂是一个生产齿轮的专业厂。带有花键孔的齿轮品种、规格是较多的。产品质量上还有一些课题有待于介决。齿轮热处理后花键孔总有一些(或个别)要产生收缩变形。过去解决的办法,是用挤刀涨孔的方法进行修正。对变形较大的齿轮,往往涨孔多次也不易修正,有时甚至涨裂。同时,在成本上也不够经济,因挤刀都是用合金工具钢制造,修正淬硬齿轮,用不了多久就磨接报废·为了介决这一关键问题,我们决定采用近年来出现的一种新的工艺方法——电解加工。 I. INTRODUCTION Our factory is a professional factory producing gears. There are many types and specifications of gears with spline holes. There are still some issues to be resolved in product quality. There are always some (or some) shrinkage deformations in the spline holes after heat treatment. The solution to the problem in the past was to correct the hole with a cutter. For gears with large deformations, it is often difficult to correct the number of holes that have risen many times, and sometimes it even cracks. At the same time, it is also not economically cost-effective, because the squeegee is made of alloy tool steel, and the hardened gears are modified. It will take a long time to scrape and scrape. In order to mediate this critical issue, we decided to adopt a type that has emerged in recent years. New process method - electrolytic processing.
据Chemical week,1972,№8报导,从1932年-1970年为橡胶专利作出过一些贡献的作者约有100名.共发表各种专利2557条,现将各国橡胶专利状况列表如下: According to Chemical w
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本文针对国防科研管理的需求,提出了宏观核算模型、成本核算模型、因素分析模型,分析了这些模型产生指标的意义,并给出了相应的计算方法。 In this paper, according to the ne
杭州制氧机厂党委会、革委会和驻厂军宣队在波澜壮阔的工业生产新高潮中,高举“鞍钢宪法” 的光辉旗帜,发动和带领广大革命群众,大搞路线分析,荡涤了刘少奇反革命修正主义办
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