
来源 :通俗歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YIFEIFEI
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地方本科院校建设学生管乐团,对丰富校园文化生活,增强学生专业素养都有着重要作用。就目前地方本科院校管乐团的训练和建设现状来看,仍存在一些问题。本文以发展地方本科院校学生管乐团建设必要性为切入点,对本科院校学生管乐团训练现状进行分析,重点探讨出如何进一步加强方本科院校学生管乐团训练与建设的策略。旨在通过本文理论论述,促进地方本科院校学生管乐团更好发展,成为学生增强专业素养,提高音乐水平的重要平台。 The construction of a student music band at a local undergraduate college plays an important role in enriching campus cultural life and enhancing students’ professional accomplishment. At present, the current situation of the training and construction of the wind band at local undergraduate colleges and universities shows that there are still some problems. This paper analyzes the current situation of undergraduate students ’orchestra training in order to develop the necessity of building student wind band in local undergraduate colleges and universities, and focuses on how to further strengthen the training and construction of students’ orchestra bands in undergraduate colleges and universities. The purpose of this article is to discuss and promote the local undergraduate colleges and universities to better develop the music band, as students to enhance professionalism, improve the music level of the important platform.
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