The Design 0f Virtual Meeting SystemBased On RIA

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  [Abstract] With the technical supports included streamline and artistic interface, high quality video and audio, flexible insertion based on the video and animation, mobile equipment and the technology of content access protection, the virtual meeting system based on silverlight will involve more fields, from the PC to mobile equipment.
  Based on this idea, the virtual meeting system(VMS) will become a “ubiquitous meeting” system similar with the idea of “ubiquitous learning” (e.g. [1],[2]). In this way, it not only reduces the cost, but also saves time for attendees.
  [Key word] virtual meetingRIAubiquitous meeting
  No matter how big or small company or enterprise studio, it is very useful that the hypothesized room is basing on the network. It can save cost, travel expenses, room occupied and projector equipment; improve efficiency, let people complete meeting in front of the computer.
  We consider that there are four aspects to convince you.
  1.1 Around Us
  You may be a clerk, your boss often appoint you to attend various meetings by car or by air in uncertain time. You will find that you are very unfortunate, because you are not to work at present and you have to do your own things soon. However, in order to catch every opportunity for promotion, you only sacrifice entertainment time to attend the meeting.
  You may be a boss. So much important meetings are waiting for you in succession, and you have limited energy to attend them.
  Many examples like above two cases around us. How do you solve them?
  1.2 In Society
  In society, various meetings are needed to keep in touch with each other in government departments, enterprises or schools. Large amounts of time and cost are consumed by going to attend the meeting. It is so waste and low efficiency! Moreover, the connection between two units is a high requirement for traditional meeting, particularly international information transmission. So an imminent solution is needed.
  1.3 For Environment
  Data shows, each 2,000 miles of private flight can produce one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. From the perspective of environmental protection, traditional meeting may be a threat of environmental pollution.
  1.4 With technology development
  In addition to the above three external factors, as a kind of technology, meeting system itself needs to constantly innovation. From traditional real meeting environment to virtual meeting system, it embodies the pursuit of efficiency, so it is an improvement!
  In the past few years, some companies or enterprise studios use various techniques to realize hypothesized meeting function based on the network. Such as Windows Meeting Space (WMS) in Windows Vista, it’s only used by the user of Vista with equal network technology, it supports collaborator to share desktop, files and presentation documents, and transmits personal information through the network. Although WMS can realize a virtual meeting, it cannot support real-time function. We can’t see each other through this system. It’s so regretful.
  Let’s see another system called “Cisco TelePresence”. It strives to achieve the effect of “person to person”, and not only the video conference system. A new technology is put to use in this system combined with a video image, the real size high resolution and CD quality stereo audio and environmental conditions. Nonetheless, we don’t reckon it to be a perfect system. It relies on physical equipment so much, and still has high expenses.
  My idea is that realize the virtual meeting system with the new technology at lower expenses.
  Next, we will introduce the new technology briefly below.
  2.1 What the Silverlight Is
  Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web, desktop, and mobile applications when online or offline (e.g. [2]).
  Microsoft Silverlight is a free plug-in, powered by the .NET framework and compatible with multiple browsers, devices and operating systems, bringing a new level of interactivity wherever the Web works (e.g. [3]).
  2.2 Features of Silverlight
  2.2.1 Provides Rich User Experience in Web
  The rich experience and the unprecedented media network applications.
  Based on vector graphics.
  Invincible from Mobile quality to HD in video and audio.
  Mobile equipment support.
  2.2.2 Quick, Productive Development
  Integration of existing network technology development and resources
  Web and desktop consistent performance, guarantee the development of low into nature
  Based on the development of standards can be verified
  2.2.3 Rapid deployment
  The simple installation of Silverlight browser plug-in according to demand.
  The flexible scheme of the advertising insertion based on the video and animation.
  Low cost of streaming media solution.
  The technology of content access protection
  3.1. The Feasibility of The Design
  RIA can support streamline and artistic interface, high quality video and audio, flexible insertion based on the video and animation, mobile equipment and the technology of content access protection.
  With these technical supports, the virtual meeting system will involve more fields, from the PC to mobile equipment.
  Based on this idea, the virtual meeting system will become a “ubiquitous meeting” system similar with the idea of “ubiquitous learning”. In this way, it not only reduces the cost, but also saves time for attendees.
  3.2. System Introduction and Layout
  In the virtual meeting system, attendees through network connection keep in touch each other with the mobile phone in their hands or the PC in front of them, as shown in Fig.1.
  Fig.1. Virtual meeting system
  Fig.2. Network Type and the Platform Supported
  Our original idea is prepared to design two sets of solutions. One is to support HD meeting, another kind is to support mobile meeting. The former is in pursuit of high resolution image for meetings which are more formal and grand, abandoning mobility; the latter is more reflected the concept of the ubiquitousness, expecting to participate in meetings anytime and anywhere. It’s doesn’t matter which equipment you use, as long as your equipment has a camera.
  Fig.3. Video Image Processing Based on Silverlight
  3.3. Module Design
  In this system, we design seven modules for consummating the system below.
  3.3.1 Module Introduce
  Login and Register Module(LRM)
  The user fills the relevant registration information in the first enter system, and then can use the system unlimitedly.
  Fig.4. Main Screen of the VMS
  Personal Information Module(PIM)
  Show the basic information of the individual, including registration information, data information, and the meeting record you have attended, etc.
  Fig.5. Personal Information Screen of the VMS
  Instruction Module(IM)
  In order to help attendees use the system conveniently and participate in a meeting timely, the system provides video guidance function.
  Document Management Module (DMM)
  This module is mainly used for storing share files, providing a quick search function. These files can be preview online and download.
  Fig6. Document Management
  Chat Module(CM)
  Chat module is similar to the BBS system. In this module, the contents are categorized according to the theme for promoting reading quantity.
  Fig7. Chat Screen of the VMS
  Rooms Module(RM)
  As the system's main modules, the characteristics of this module lies in using “three view drawing”, showing the video image, speech draft and conference summary information simultaneously. Most important of all, it supports seamless switching between video images and speech draft.
  It greatly promoted the user experience to achieve the best effect of the view.
  Fig.8. Meeting Room Screen of the VMS
  Small Assistant Module(SAM)
  Small assistant module primarily provides the auxiliary function containing checking user information online and quick search for enhancing operability of the system.
  3.3.2 Function View
  Data Query Function (DQF): embedded in data management module and small assistant module.
  Meeting Demo Function (MDF): embedded in room module.
  Chatting Function (CF): embedded in chat module.
  Navigation Function (NF): as the auxiliary module system, always displayed in the system of the interface.
  Automatic Identification Equipment Function (AIEF): to smooth mobile equipment and fixtures, strengthen the compatibility of mobile equipment.
  Fig.9. Module Structure
  In the development of the system, we found two aspects of the problem: one is found in the process of design, belonging to the category of technology; another is the common problem of all types of the virtual meeting in the current situation, needed to be explored.
  4.1. Problems In The Design
   In the process of our design, we found that network bandwidth determines the smoothness of the meeting and the quality of the user experience. Therefore, one must ascend bandwidth utilization, and on the other hand we should optimize the data query. It reminds us that we must have the enterprise-level network design scheme.
  4.2. Problems Analysis and Discusses of Virtual Meeting
   If we can create characters in the virtual world, and make anybody has his/her own avatar which can participate in various meetings at any time you have reserved, the virtual meeting system will be more perfect. Only in this way can we add the virtual world into our realm of the Senses.
  The thought of the virtual meeting system makes ubiquitous meeting be reality. Moreover, the realizing of the system reduces the costs for most company and enterprise studio, eliminates the bosses’ worries, and enhances the work efficiency. Lead people to enter a real virtual conference world.
  [1] Sakamura,K.,&Koshizuka,N.. Ubiquitous Computing Technologies for Ubiquitous Learning. Proceeding of the International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education[M], Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society.2005,11-18.
  [2] Boyinbode O. K and Akintola K. G, [J] A Sensor Based Framework for Ubiquitous Learning in Nigeria, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2008, 8(11):401-405.
  [3] (2011) The Microsoft Silverlight website. [Online]. Available:
  [4] (2011) The Microsoft Silverlight website [Online]. Available:
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[摘要] 介绍了10-12 mm紫铜母线的焊接工艺方法,通过性能分析和试验证实:运用熔化极氩弧焊接方法并采用适当的措施焊接紫铜母线是可能的,对焊缝的一次成型、铜排的导电率都有很大层次的提升。  [关键词] 铜母线 熔化极氩弧焊 预热温度    1 概况  华能玉环电厂6kV共相母线采用截面为125×12mm、120×10mm、80×10 mm的紫铜母线,焊口数量4100只,单条母线最长为1300m
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[摘要] 基于多孔配位化合物作为一种很有研究潜力和发展前途的CO2的选择性吸附材料,合成得到两个纳米级孔洞[Zn4Nd2(L1)4(1,4-BDC)2](NO3)2 ·2Et2O·4H2O(1)(异六核)和[Zn8(L2)4(H2O)4](2)(八核)化合物;其孔洞尺寸分别为10×5 nm和5.4×4.7 nm,均大于CO2分子的动力学半径(3.30Å);通过不同气体的吸附性能测定,在