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2009年可谓是3G元年,拿到牌照的三大运营商摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。实际上,虽说这三家运营商同一天拿到3G牌照,但是他们的起步却不在同一时间点上。中国移动自不必说,早在2007年就开始建设TD试验网,奥运会时已经推出相应的3G业务。中国电信在2008年8月就开始了首批CDMA网络招标,2008年年底天翼业务品牌广告也做得铺天盖地。唯独中国联通WCDMA建设的消息并不是很多,直到2009年1月份外界才得知已经完成网络建设招标。按照中国联通的计划,将在“5·17”开始推出首批3G业务。从招标完成到“5·17”正式商用,仅仅3个月左右的时间。如何在这么短的时间内,快速并且还得保质保量地完成WCDMA网络建设,业界给予了极大关注,也考验着众多中标厂商的能力。可以说,这次的建网就是一块试金石,将直接影响到后续招标中联通对众多设备提供商的评价。作为全球领先的WCDMA提供商,诺基亚西门子此次中标了全国11个省份的建设项目。在这次联通WCDMA网络建设过程中诺西表现如何,其优势又是如何体现的?《中国电信业》杂志记者专门采访了参与前期规划与实际施工的专家、资深工程师,对此作出详细解读。 2009 can be described as the first year of 3G, get the license of the three operators gearing up, eager. In fact, although the three operators got the 3G license on the same day, their starting point was not at the same time. Needless to say that China Mobile, as early as 2007 to start building TD trial network, the Olympic Games has launched the corresponding 3G services. China Telecom started the first batch of CDMA network bidding in August 2008, and Tianyi’s business brand advertising was also overwhelming at the end of 2008. Only China Unicom WCDMA news of construction is not a lot, until January 2009 the outside world learned that has completed the network construction bidding. According to the plan of China Unicom, the first batch of 3G services will be launched on May 17th. From the bidding completion to “5 · 17” formal commercial, only about 3 months time. How to accomplish the WCDMA network construction rapidly and in a short period of time, the industry has given great attention, and also tests the capabilities of many successful vendors. It can be said that the network construction is a litmus test, will directly affect the follow-up tender Unicom on many equipment providers evaluation. As the world’s leading provider of WCDMA, Nokia Siemens has won the bid for construction projects in 11 provinces nationwide. In this China Unicom WCDMA network construction process of how the performance of Nokia Siemens Networks, its advantages are how to reflect? “China Telecom” magazine reporter interviewed early planning and actual construction involved in the experts, senior engineers, to explain in detail.
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1990年8日,在国家体改委召开的《市场管理国际研讨会》上,来自西欧、日本、南朝鲜的专家就建立市场组织体系的理论与实践问题作了演讲。现将其主要观点综述如下: 一、市场销