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制导雷达的抗干扰性能和它的作用距离、测量精度一样,是雷达的基本性能指标,但至今尚无统一的度量标准和定量的指标要求。本文着重讨论了在有源噪声干扰条件下,防空导弹制导雷达的抗干扰度量标准问题。提出了应从保证防空导弹武器系统所需具有的单发杀伤目标概率出发来确定对制导雷达抗干扰性能的定量要求,并用雷达的抗干扰品质因素(Q_(ECCM))作为衡量雷达抗干扰性能优劣的一个定量指标。 Guidance radar anti-jamming performance and its role in the distance, the same measurement accuracy is the basic performance of radar indicators, but so far there is no uniform standard of measurement and quantitative indicators. This article focuses on the discussion of anti-interference metrics for air defense missile guidance radars under active noise conditions. It is proposed that the quantitative requirements for anti-jamming performance of guidance radar should be determined based on the probability of single kill target required to ensure the anti-aircraft missile weapon system, and the anti-jamming performance of the radar should be determined by using the anti-jamming quality factor (Q ECM) A bad quantitative index.
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