由中德两国领导人倡导的、旨在推动两国经济技术合作与发展的“中德高技术论坛第二次会议” 1 1月 1日在北京人民大会堂召开 ,同时举行了中德双方 2 9个合作项目签字仪式。国家质量监督检验检疫总局计量司司长宣湘、副司长刘新民出席了签字仪式。宣湘司长与德国联邦物理技
The second meeting of the Sino-German High-tech Forum, which was sponsored by the leaders of China and Germany and aimed at promoting economic and technological cooperation and development between the two countries, was held on January 1 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At the same time, China and Germany held 2 9 cooperation projects signing ceremony. Xuan Xiang, director of Measurement Division of SAQSIQ, and Liu Xinmin, deputy director, attended the signing ceremony. Director Xiang Xuan and German Federal Physics and Technology