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良好的课堂效果的呈现需要有良好的课堂秩序,而课堂秩序则需要通过有效地课堂管理来实现。学生虽是课堂活动的主要参与者,但教师也要充分发挥出课堂管理者的作用,通过各种方式来营造良好的课堂氛围,从而使教学活动顺利进行。语言文化的差异是对外汉语课堂管理的难题,因此要想获得预期的课堂效果,就要从多方面进行思考,针对各种可能影响课堂教学的因素来分析如何进行好的课堂管理,及作为对外汉语教师要做的一些方面的努力。从而为日后的对外汉语课堂提出自己的想法和观点。 The presentation of good classroom effect needs a good classroom order, and the classroom order needs to be realized through effective classroom management. Although students are the main participants in the classroom activities, teachers should also give full play to the role of classroom managers in various ways to create a good classroom atmosphere, so that teaching activities smoothly. Differences between languages ​​and cultures are a challenge for classroom management of Chinese as a foreign language. Therefore, in order to obtain expected classroom effects, we should think from many aspects and analyze how to carry out good classroom management for various factors that may affect classroom teaching. Chinese teachers need to do some aspects of the efforts. So as to put forward their own ideas and opinions for the future Chinese class.
In humanistic learning situations,learners’ feelings are regarded as playing an influential role in the learning process. To make current English learning and
The aim of the present study was to investigate the electrophysiological characteristics of the different layers of the olfactory bulb (OB). We used an in vitro
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Reading is the most convenient and effective way to input language information,which is the main content in English teaching. This paper discusses the relations
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