杭州经济技术开发区,是杭州最美东部湾宜业宜居宜学之地,这里有一所让孩子们都向往的学校——景苑小学。景苑小学创建于2011年9月,是一所由开发区管委会全额投资建设的直属公办小学。学校总占地面积为32 034平方米,硬件设施完备,师资力量雄厚。经过五年的风雨历程,学校逐步发展壮大,现有在职教师115人,其中特级教师1人,浙江省教坛新秀1人,杭州市教坛新秀1人,区教坛新秀11人,校园处处洋溢着现代化的气息和锐意
Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou is the most beautiful scenery of the East Bay livable IKEA, there is a school for children to aspire - King Court Primary School. Jingyuan Primary School, founded in September 2011, is a public elementary school directly funded by the Development Zone Administrative Committee. The school covers a total area of 32 034 square meters, complete hardware facilities, strong teachers. After five years of ups and downs, the school gradually developed and expanded. The existing in-service teachers of 115 people, including one special-grade teachers, Zhejiang Province, one rookie altar, Hangzhou rookie altar one rookie, rookie district rookie 11, all over the campus Filled with modern atmosphere and determination