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二十四节气中,立秋是最叫人哀愁的。你分明还听到窗外的蝉鸣不止,日历本却告诉你秋日已来,该收收盛夏的心了。2014年的立秋时间是农历七月十二日,那么2014年的收成应该不错,因为古人认为农历七月立秋,五谷可望丰收。如果立秋日在农历六月,则五谷不熟,并可能歉收。不如趁着天气尚好,爬上山顶去看看即将丰收的万物吧。山路的一边是山,连绵上去全是不高的树木,都安静地站立着。看来处于山脚的树木还没有感受到秋的凉意,依旧碧绿。路的另外一边则很开阔,一眼望去,能看到山下的楼房和农田。田里的芋头叶亭亭玉立,远看像荷叶,看它们随风摆动的样子,应该像我一样在充满喜悦地迎接丰秋的到来吧。 Twenty-four solar terms, standing autumn is the most sad people. You clearly still hear the cicadas outside the window, the calendar tells you the autumn has come, the heart of the summer revenue. The beginning of 2014 is the Lunar New Year’s day on July 12, so the harvest in 2014 should be good, because the ancients believe the Lunar New Year in July, the grain is expected to harvest. If the establishment of autumn in June lunar month, then the grain is unfamiliar, and may fail. It is better to take advantage of the weather is good, climb the mountain to see what the harvest is about it. One side of the mountain road is the mountain, all the trees are not up, all are quietly standing. It seems that at the foot of the trees have not felt the cool autumn, still green. The other side of the road is very open, glanced at, you can see the buildings and farm fields under the mountain. Taro leaves in the field slim, far looks like the lotus leaf, see them swinging the way the wind should be like me in full of joy to meet the arrival of Fung Autumn.
据英国《Defense》1979年第5期报道:由溻姆逊-CSF 公司研制的新系列10公里地空武器系统 SA-10于1978年年底开始了共试验的第二阶段,试验打一个目标,取得了完全成功。这些发
AIM:To compare two different daily doses oflansoprazole given for 12 weeks and to assess the roleof gastrointestinal (GI) investigations as criteria forselecti
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