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白蚁咬穿健康鼓膜,通过鼓窦口钻入乳突引起炎症坏死及面瘫者罕见,现介绍1例: 女,24岁。1986年9月25日晚在教室听课时,突然一小虫飞入左耳,即自用小拇指掏挖未果,速回家自滴麻油,仍未诱出,自觉小虫向耳道深处钻入,阵发钻刺样剧痛,约每10分钟一次,摆头按压耳屏时,觉虫停止运动。次日晨6时上述症状消失,但外耳道仍有剧烈疼痛。到附近医院就诊。见外耳道明显肿胀,有黄色分泌物,未见小虫,按外耳道疖肿治疗。半月后症状仍不好转,脓液增多,并出现左侧口歪眼斜,以急性坏死性中耳炎并发周围性面瘫收入院。体检:左侧外耳道明显肿胀,有粘稠脓液。清除后见鼓膜紧张部前下方有 Termite bite through the healthy tympanic membrane, through the drum hole into the papillae inflammation and necrosis caused by facial paralysis are rare, are introduced in 1 case: female, 24 years old. September 25, 1986 evening class in the classroom, suddenly a small insect flew into the left ear, digging digging his own useless little fruit, speed home since the drop of sesame oil, has not yet been induced, conscious worm deep into the ear canal , Paroxysmal boobs-like pain, about once every 10 minutes, put pressure on the tragus, the insects stopped moving. The next morning at 6 o’clock the symptoms disappeared, but the external auditory canal still severe pain. To the nearby hospital. See external auditory canal obvious swelling, yellow discharge, no bugs, according to the external auditory canal swelling treatment. Half a month after the symptoms are still not improved, pus increased, and the left crooked eye oblique mouth to acute necrotizing otitis media complicated by peripheral facial paralysis income hospital. Physical examination: obvious swelling of the left external auditory canal, a thick pus. Clear see the tympanic membrane in front of under tension
截至今年10月底,天山加油站销售油品2300吨,已经完成全年计划的128%,成为伊犁销售分公司加油站中的排头兵。 As of the end of October this year, Tianshan gas station sal
男,48岁。以发作性眩晕伴左耳鸣3年,于1978年11月8日收治入院。 1975年9月在外院中药全麻下行左耳乳突根治术,醒后恶心呕吐,卧床2月余。出院后,常发作眩晕,平衡障碍,失去工
In the process of globalization in the new centur y,Xi Jinping,the President of China,has put forward the development concepts:innovation,coordination,greenness
一、世界葡萄栽培面积与产量: 葡萄在落叶果树中,是世界栽培面积最大,产量最高的树种,据一九七六年统计,世界葡萄栽培面积已达一亿五千五百多万亩。葡萄总产量达五千七百一