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今年6月17日,在江泽民总书记视察张掖期间召开的党的农村基层组织建设工作座谈会上,有一位村干部受到总书记的亲切接见,并向总书记汇报了工作。他就是新时期“三个代表”的实践者、临泽县平川乡芦湾村党支部书记杨科年。芦湾——这个地处黑河北岸、临泽县的一个极其偏僻的小村子,近年来有上万人次千里迢迢到这里参观考察学习。考察者们得出了一个共同的结论:芦湾人有一种精神,有一股凝聚力。是的,在芦湾,义务劳动群起响应,集资筹款不讲二话,无论干什么工作,只要村党支部一声令下就能一呼百应。这种凝聚力是怎样形成的?源泉在哪里?当地群众说,源于村党支部书记杨科年的带头作用,源于他的无私奉献精神。改革开放前,芦湾还是当地出了名的穷村,乡亲们一年忙到头,年底分不到几个钱,许多人家口粮不 On June 17 this year, during a forum for the party’s work on the building of rural grass-roots organizations convened during the inspection by General Secretary Jiang Zemin in Zhangye Prefecture, one village cadre was cordially interviewed by the general secretary and reported the work to the general secretary. He is the practitioner of the “Three Represents” in the new era and the secretary of the Party branch of Luwan Village in Pingchuan Township, Linze County. Luwan - This is located in the north bank of Heihe, Linzexian an extremely remote small village, in recent years there are tens of thousands of miles to visit here. The observers reached a common conclusion: People in Luwan have a spirit and a cohesive force. Yes, volunteer work groups respond to each other in Luwan and fundraising and raising funds do not make any difference. No matter what the work is done, as long as the village party branch makes an order, it can take full advantage of it. What is the source of this cohesion? Where are the sources? The local people said that the leading role stemming from Yang Ke-nian, secretary of the village party branch, stemmed from his selfless dedication. Before the reform and opening up, Luwan was also a well-known poor village in the country. The folks were busy with their work for one year and they were not worth a few dollars by the end of the year. Many people do not have rations
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