英语人教版模块四 Unit 4 Body Language?Communication: No Problem?(Reading)

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  I. Teaching goals教学目标
  1. Target language目标语言
  a. 四会词汇
  b. 重点词组
  2. Ability goals 能力目标
  Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.
  3. Emotional goals 情感目标
  Enable Ss to realize the importance of body language.
  Ⅱ. Teaching contents 教学内容
  1. Teaching important points教学重点
  Help Ss to understand how body language differs among people from different cultures.
  2. Teaching difficult points教学难点
  Cultivate Ss’ culture awareness in intercultural communication to form better communication strategies.
  Ⅲ. Designing thoughts of teaching 教学设计思路
  我对教材进行了重组,把Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending三部分整合为一节阅读课,在课前预习时落实相关词汇,为堂上的阅读教学奠定基础。尝试了“五步阅读教学法”和“愉快教学法”,符合学生的认知规律。在新课程理念下,教师只是作为辅助者的角色,体现出“以学生为中心”的原则,通过“以听促读”“挖空填词”“以写促读”“以做(表演)促读”的方式培养学生的阅读理解能力; 在点评环节,本人设计了学生自我评价量表,充分发挥学生的主导性,让其更充分客观地了解自我学习效果;另外,该话题“body language”易在生活中体会运用,容易激发学习热情,通过小组讨论,小组合作,角色扮演,课堂练习及探究性活动, 提高学生学英语的兴趣。
  Ⅳ. Teaching methods 教学方法
  Task-based learning, Cooperative learning, Student-centered learning
  Ⅴ. Teaching aids 教具准备
  a projector, a blackboard, a computer and some pictures
  Ⅵ. Teaching procedures教学步骤
  步骤一: Checking answers to the former assignment (約3分钟)
  Task 1. Check answers to consolidate the useful expressions in this unit.
  Task 2. Analyze important sentences.
  步骤二: Greeting & leading in (约2分钟)
  Task1. Express the commonly used classroom language in nonverbal behavior.
  Task 2. Play a guessing game.
  1. Divide Ss into two big groups (group A & group B) and send out a list including some target vocabulary to group A.
  2. Ask group A to prepare to perform actions or express feelings.
  3. Invite two Ss in group A to give performance and let group B guess its word or phrase.
  步骤三: Warming-up (约3分钟)
  Task 1. Free talk
  1. Present some pictures of body language.
  2. Get Ss to describe the actions and tell what they mean.
  Task 2. Watch a short video from popular program TED Talks.
  1. T: What is body language? Is it necessary and important in our life?
  2. Play a video mainly introducing body language and let Ss think about these questions.
  Task 3. Analyze statistics
  步骤四: Pre-reading (约3分鐘)
  Predict the main content according to the title.
  1. Let Ss look at the title and picture of the passage on the next page.   2. Inspire Ss to discuss in pairs and write down their ideas in the form of Mind Map.
  步骤五: Reading & Comprehending (约17分钟)
  Task 1. Fast reading
  Step 1. Skim the text while listening to the tape.
  Step 2. Divide the passage into four parts and then match the main idea of each part.
  Step 3. Analyze the organization of the passage.
  1. Give some hints to inspire their ideas.
  2. Write down the answers on the Bb.
  Task 2. Careful reading
  Step 1. Fill in the following chart.
  Read para.1 to find out some detail information and use it to fill in the chart.
  Step 2. Fill in the following blanks.
  1. Find out the two cultural mistakes the writer referred to in the airport in para.2.
  2.Show two pictures on screen, which includes the two mistakes.
  3. Finish it in the game of competition.
  Task 3. Intensive reading
  Step 1. Decide which of the following statements is true and which one is false.
  Give your reasons. Finish it in the game of competition.
  1. Mr. Garcia kissed Miss Julia Smith because they have known each other well.
  2. George Cook reaches his hand out in order to shake hands with the Japanese.
  3. All cultures don’t greet each the same way.
  Step 2. Choose the correct answers after reading the passage.
  Finish it in the game of competition.
  1. From Paragraph 2 we know that the Japanese prefer towhen they are introduced to others.
  A. bow
  B. shake hands
  C. kiss each other
  D. touch others’ shoulders
  2. If you are a male, what will happen when you talk with a man from Jordan?
  A. He will touch your shoulder
  B. He will move close to you
  C. He will stand far away from you
  D. He will hold you by the hand
  Step 3. Use the information in the passage to answer the following questions.
  1. Why did the author move back from Ahmed Aziz?
  2. Is the author male or female? How do you know?
  Step 4. Please read para.5 carefully and finish the following tasks.
  1. “Actions”refers to .
  2. 1) Hidden information:
  2) What awareness should we develop?
  Task 4. Extensive reading
  1. T: Let’s know more about the distance between people who are greeting each other.
  2. Present the content on screen.
  步驟六: Discussion (約3分钟)
  Step 1. Free talk
  1. T: In what cases or situation will we use body language?   2. Let Ss be open-minded and think divergently.
  3. Ask Ss to share their discussions in class.
  Step 2. Group discussion & report
  Let Ss read the two questions and then choose one to discuss together.
  1) How do you use body language?
  2) Talk about an interesting thing when body language is used in your life.
  3. Invite one student to make a report.
  步骤七: Role play (约3分钟)
  1. Prepare for role play the characters in the reading text.
  2. Perform the greeting actions through body language.
  步骤八: Summary (约4分钟)
  1. Make a summary about what we’ve learned in this period.
  2. T: The following questions may help you.
  What is the text about?
  Is it the same in the world? Why?
  How can we solve the problem?
  3. Present the Ss writing on screen by the projector.
  步骤九: Assignment (約1分钟)
  Narrate a scene in which you mainly communicate in non-verbal language.
  Pay attention to using the “six factors” (5w+how) in narration.
  步驟十: Self-assessment (约1分钟)
  Ⅶ. Knowledge structure 知识结构
  Ⅷ. Teaching reflection 教学反思
  我深深感受到时代发展对教学工作者提出的要求越来越高,课后我对本节课进行了认真的反思。我以“Body language—身势语”为中心话题,运用了图示理论,围绕课文中涉及到的“身势语”的定义,如何理解“身势语”,以及“身势语”的跨文化性等来设计活动,从文章大意到细节,从词汇到句型再到文章结构,帮助学生由浅入深地全面了解课文,并让学生明确了身势语在人类交际中的重要性。巧妙地把握了预习、预设环节,促进了教学效果的生成,并让学生对自己的阅读行为进行量化反思,体现了反思性阅读;创设各种情景,鼓励学生用英语思维,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力;师生间能够建立起融洽、民主的交流渠道,做到教学相长,体现了“素质教育”的精神。
陶艺教学是立体造型的塑造。学校陶艺教育的发展,不仅是要实现学生实践能力、创新能力和艺术素养的形成和发展,而且是教育政策的要求,是学校素质教育的需要。通过陶艺教学表现学生独特的个性,让学生在制陶过程中获取自我满足与自我实现。  陶瓷艺术本身,那种奇特的外观,无限的创造力,简单的原味,一种强烈的时代气息,让孩子们为之倾倒。陶艺创作活动为新世纪的儿童提供了一个载体,使他们可以回归自然,贴近生活,释放心灵
我校教学方式的改革和教育部对教材的新一轮变更,要求教师的教和学生的学也跟随着改进,可谓是要求更高,标准更严。初任生物教学不满两年,却也初品了生物教学的酸甜苦辣,从中学到了甚多,有些浅陋的见解和体会,还望各位同仁来一同探讨。  一、教师的角色要转型  教师角色转变可谓是一个亘古不变的话题,是教改的产物,是时代的要求,从古代“师傅”型角色,到近代“园丁”型角色,再到现代初期的“雕塑家”型的角色,在关乎
参加工作以来,我一直扎根在边远的山区,担任初中物理教学任务。近几年来国家对农村教育投资很大,建立新的实验室,同时也给了很多器材,但是有很多器材在使用起来不方便、不适用。物理本就是一门以实验为基础的学科。所以在条件允许的情况下物理教师可以开动脑筋,自己动手制作教具。这也是一种创新。  我们常说创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发展的不竭动力,培养学生创新能力是教学过程中的一项非常重要内容。而物理的
经过许多年的教学实践,我深深体会到了兴趣是推动学生积极学习的强大动力,创设愉快的教学情景是音乐课堂中推动学生积极学习必不可少的先决条件。因此,我在教学中注重发挥学生的主体作用,灵活运用多种愉快教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,收到了较好的学习效果。  一、开动脑筋编儿歌,培养学习乐理知识的兴趣  乐理知识的学习在音乐课堂中是不可缺少的一部分。学生掌握好乐理知识,可以更加准确地唱好歌曲、理解歌曲。为使学
在教学中,要培养学生的创新意识,才能让学生在学习中有新的探索和追求,培养学生的创新意识不是在单纯训练学生创造的技巧,而是在全方位地改造学生学习的过程;不是一种只重外在的学习方式改变为价值目标的教育,而是一种从个体新智世界中源源不断去诱导出能提高最佳创意的人格特征的教育。  一、引导求同辨异  创造性学习的重要特征就是具有学习的独创性,要求学生要有独立果敢的品质。因此,在教学中,教师要培养学生敢于发
德育课作为学生思想道德教育的主渠道,在德育教学中融入中华优秀传统文化,加大中华优秀传统文化教育力度,不仅可以极大地丰富德育课程的教学内容,而且对于弘扬中华优秀传统文化和传统美德,推进社会主义核心价值观教育,增强民族文化自信和价值观自信,提高德育教学的实效性都具有重要的现实意义。  一、在德育课教学中渗透中华优秀传统文化的必要性  (一)中小学生生德育现状及问题  1.少年道德精神之现状  据全国性
从来没有人读书,只有人在书中发现自己,联想自已,检查自己,升华自己,超越自己。——题记  读了余秋雨的散文《信客》之后,总是无法抑制内心涌动的激情,我被信客身上所焕发出的精神光芒深深地震撼了,仿佛走进了芳香四溢的花海,又如贪饮了浓烈的美酒琼浆,痛快淋漓地沉浸在这崇高而朴素之美的世界里……  信客是一种职业,乡村过去没有邮局,对外通信往来主要靠从事这种特殊职业的人。信客衣衫破旧,身形卑微,让人不愿把
一、活动的背景  六一儿童节是孩子们最快乐的日子,在这一天,能够得到一份节日的礼物,也是孩子们最期盼的事情。送孩子们什么礼物呢?为此,我绞尽脑汁。我想:这份礼物一定要让他们喜欢,一定要让他们感到珍贵,一定要别致,能够符合以上条件的莫过于父母对他们的爱。用什么来传递“爱”?书信。书信这种古老是表达方式对于生活在当今信息社会的孩子们来说无疑是“稀有品种”,虽然有些“过时”,但是它仍然是表达感情的最佳方