Facilitation of cascade biocatalysis by artificial multi-enzyme complexes — A review

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunleilong
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Multi-enzyme complexes are the results of natural evolution to facilitate cascade biocatalysis. Through enzyme colocalization within a complex, the transfer efficiency of reaction intermediates between adjacent cascade en-zymes can be promoted, resulting in enhanced overall reaction efficiency. Inspired by nature, a variety of ap-proaches have been developed for the assembly of artificial multi-enzyme complexes with different spatial organizations, aiming at improving the catalytic efficiency of enzyme cascade. A recent trend of this research area is the creation of enzyme complexes with a controllable spatial organization which helps with the mecha-nistic studies and bears the potential to further increase metabolic productivity. In this review, we summarize versatile strategies for the assembly of artificial multi-enzyme complexes, followed by an inspection of the mech-anistic studies of artificial multi-enzyme complexes for their enhancement of catalytic efficiency. Furthermore,we provide some highlighted in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro examples that demonstrate the ability of artificial multi-enzyme complexes for enhancing the overall production efficiency of value-added compounds. Recent re-search progress has revealed the great biotechnological potential of artificial multi-enzyme complexes as a pow-erful tool for biomanufacturing.
以野生番茄 Achilles—M为砧木,以日本番茄品种 Momotaro为接穗,进行了 0真叶法(砧木不留真叶)、 1真叶法(砧木留1片真叶)和2真叶法(砧木留2片真叶)3种不同部位嫁接方式的研究。结果表明:采用2真叶法嫁接的番茄
2012年,经过投票表决,美国科罗拉多州和华盛顿州使大麻合法化。国家药物滥用研究所(N I DA)主任Nora Volkow表示,这一突然和前所未有的政策转变使N I DA陷入了“红色警报”。尽管