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就在中小企业融资“喊渴”、不少企业濒临倒闭的消息不断见诸报端时,王岐山于7月1日至2日到河北考察,并主持召开小企业金融服务座谈会。他在会上强调,缓解小企业融资难,关键要多措并举,加快金融体制机制改革和组织制度创新,充分发挥好市场机制和政策支持的作用。今年初我国北方冬麦区基本无有效降雨,气象干旱严重,部分地区人畜饮水出现困难。主抓农业的国务院副总理回良玉在全国粮食生产电视电话会议后,奔赴六省区指导抗旱救灾,为粮食生产鼓劲打气。今年全国工业和信息化工作会议后,身兼国务院安全生产委员会主任的张德江在全国安全生产电视电话会议上提出重点抓好“三深化”、“三推进”。在会议上进行全面部署后,张德江便深入生产第一线亲自指导安全生产工作。 In the small and medium-sized enterprise financing, “shouting thirst,” many companies are on the verge of collapse of the news continue to see newspapers, Wang Qishan in Hebei Province from July 1 to 2 visits, and presided over the small business financial services forum. He emphasized at the meeting that the key to alleviating the financing difficulty of small enterprises should be taken at multiple measures. The reform of financial system and mechanism and the innovation of organizational system should be spearheaded and the role of market mechanism and policy support should be brought into full play. At the beginning of this year, there was basically no effective rainfall in the winter wheat area in the north of our country. The meteorological drought was serious. Drinking water for people and livestock in some areas was in difficulty. After attending the teleconference for grain production in the country, Hui Liangyu, the vice premier of the State Council, went to the six provinces and autonomous regions to guide drought relief work and cheered on food production. After the national conference on industrialization and informatization held this year, Zhang Dejiang, who is also the director of the State Council’s Work Safety Committee, put forward the key points of “three deepening” and “three advancing” at the national teleconference on security production. After the full deployment at the conference, Zhang Dejiang went into production to personally guide the work of safety production.
【导读】  《万物简史》是继霍金的《时间简史》之后,又一部在欧美引起极大轰动的科普畅销书。该书2003年5月在美国出版后,连续数十周高居《纽约时报》《泰晤士报》图书排行榜最前列,被美国《科学》杂志评选为该年度最佳科学著作之一。与《时间简史》的深奥难懂形成鲜明对比,《万物简史》写得非常生动好读。作者以漫谈的方式,以清晰明了、幽默风趣的笔法,讲述了现代科学发展史上的各种逸事和奇迹出现的时刻;科学史上的
情侣们去电影院看电影,都图个浪漫温馨。如果一对情侣进入放映厅之后,发现面前坐的全是表情不可一世、身上满是纹身的机车猛男,不知会有何感想?还有勇气坐下来吗?还能淡定地看电影吗?  这其实是啤酒商嘉士伯(Carlsberg)在比利时做的一个有趣的活动。他们在容纳150人的放映厅中安排了148员猛汉占位,只留了两个座位给临时买票的情侣。如果某对情侣能够鼓起勇气走进去坐下来,这148名机车猛男就会举起嘉士
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