An Analysis of Ethnocentrism in Crash

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  Abstract:In 2006,the Crash won the Academy Award for Best Picture of Oscar and triggered a fierce discussion on ethnocentrism in the whole world.America seems like a smelter containing various races,cultures,religious beliefs and customs.However,those different things in this huge smelter unavoidably rub and crash with each other,and put numerous barriers in cross-cultural communication.In this paper,the writer setting the Crash as an example analyzes the influence of ethnocentrism on communication.
  Key words:Crash;Ethnocentrism;Communication;Cross-culture
  1.Brief Introduction to Crash
  All people here seems transformed his role from good to evil.Black people are innocent to the rooted bias,so they struggle to get rid of this predicament,just as the two black bullies.They protested the bias,but on the other hand,they committed a crime.As an alien race in the society,the Persian was also excluded by social main stream and finally urged his impulsive action to Daniel with his extreme self-protection awareness.For the main group,policeman Ryan deliberately fondled a black woman to ventilate his grievance on black people but tried his best to save her in an accident in the next day.It seems his company Hansen was an antiracist,but when he saw the black guy badly dressed and impolite,bias to the blacks appeared.From a perspective of a more in-depth,all those behaviors were influenced by the ethnocentrism in cross-cultural communication.
  2.Behaviors of Ethnocentrism in Cross-Cultural Communication
  In 1950,German sociologist Adorno gave a broad description of ethnocentrism— Members of any social group hold biases and hostile attitude to out-groups.Each nation or ethnic group consider their ways of life,beliefs,values,behaviors as the best and the central standard to measure and evaluate other ethnic groups,thus became hostile and cultural pattern.
  Personality’s behaviors of ethnocentrism are multi-aspects.At first,considering one’s group is superior than others,is the most significant token.The judge’s wife in Crash,is a perfect representative.She considered the black as criminal and inferior,so she showed her anger and contempt with black people,regardless of the black locksmith and nurse who were on the besides.Secondly,holding hostile attitude to other groups,and believing the threaten from others.The officer Ryan gave an example.He felt unworthy for his father’s loss that resulted from black people,and,act brutally on the black couple for revenge.Thirdly,being unwilling to contact with other groups,and easily to be irritated by people of other groups and using verbal sacasms and racist jokes,is also an important trace.Persian shopkeeper in the movie,showed his distrust and sarcasm to the locksmith.Those extreme actions should be attributed to his diffident in the complex society where full of excludable signals.What makes this movie excellent is that every action of people is meaningful to reveal the theme.From people’s behaviors,the influence of ethnocentrism on communication is exposed clearly.   3.The Influence of Ethnocentrism on Communication
  Ethnocentrism,in some degree,is positive.But it is for mainly the in-group members,such as cultivating collective spirits,and inheriting cultures.But it imposes much negative and aggressive influence on cross-cultural communication.Ethnocentrism is a concept,taken deeply root in one’s mind,but is unconsciously expressed in every small detail.In communication,the listener is able to feel the speaker’s attitude from words,pace,tone,face expressions and gesture,which could not be totally hided.After the listener perceives those signals,he would make some reactions that may be same negative.So,cross-cultural communication fails.What facilitated the two black bullies to rub car,might be the action of the judge’s wife when she saw two blacks.She immediately closed to her husband and held his arm tightly,because of her prejudice and fear to the blacks.But her such small actions were easily noticed by the two blacks,and made them feel very uncomfortable.
  Ethnocentrism results in failure of cross-cultural communication,which is universal and inveterate.Although this negative influence is an objective reality,it could be decreased and alleviated by subjective efforts.For example,it is advisable to be ethnorelativism in cross-cultural communication,which emphasizes the use of out-group members’ cultural frame of reference in interpreting their behaviors.International cooperation becomes increasingly close,followed by more cross-cultural communication.So,how to reduce the negative influence of ethnocentrism will be a long-time topic around the world.
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八年了,第一次看见保姆阿姨穿着这样整齐,她背着拎着大包小包,矮胖的身子摇摇摆摆走向门口,“别送了”,她喊道。铁门关上的瞬间,我看见她回头,留下一个微笑……  这个保姆有些馋!  每次买回的点心她总是拿起来端详许久,我仿佛已近听见她咽口水的声音。她会问:“你不吃吗?打开吃吧!”“我不想吃。”嘿嘿,我暗想:就不让你如愿,我不吃你也不敢吃吧。我是最不能容忍有人先我一步动我的东西的。但有次,她居然在没经过
摘 要:汤显祖用《牡丹亭》歌颂了至真、至纯、至美的爱情,深刻地展现了他的“至情论”。故事里杜丽娘和柳梦梅突破种种障碍最终走到了一起,爱情战胜了世俗,是对封建礼教的一次重大斗争,但揭开故事的美满面纱,究其背后,却也难掩其悲剧性。杜丽娘仅仅只是想要获得爱的自由就得付出生命的代价,这是杜丽娘的生活悲剧,也是《牡丹亭》的第一重悲剧所在。而《牡丹亭》更深层的悲剧性则是在其情节设定与主题思想消解的过程上。本文
摘 要:凯绥·珂勒惠支生在德国一个动荡无比的时代,所以她的艺术作品大多是反映革命,战争,母爱题材的主题,但是在这个大主题下,珂勒惠支刻画的最多的,也是战争不同的时期,所表现的画面效果所呈现的不同。本文罗列了珂勒惠支的版画,在中晚期有着怎样的变化,先分析了解了珂勒惠支本人的生平以及和她创作的大时代背景,绘画内容主要强调画家的自我感受和主观情感,主要从珂勒惠支的生平经历来展开她对压迫者的穷困,斗争和挣
“啟蒙”的本义是开启蒙昧,识字读书,明白事理。在中国古代,人们从小要接受“蒙学”,才能成为有教养的人,否则就是“教化未开”。据说,早年被启蒙到了什么程度,决定其日后可达到的智力高度。  同样,人类社会从传统向现代转型的过程,也与启蒙相伴随;没有启蒙就没有现代化。  然而,作为现代话语的“启蒙”,却源自于近代西方。在人类历史上,近代启蒙思想和启蒙运动首发于17世纪后期的英国,后传播到法国、德国等欧洲
摘 要:随着利率市场化的推进,中国金融体系正在逐步从银行主导的阶段向市场化和证券化阶段推进。当前阶段,中国的影子银行体系的转变就是最好的说明。而资产证券化是规范化和阳光化治理“银行影子系统”的一种方式,并且能够对完善宏观货币政策机制,减少银行间接融资、完善社会信用基础、分散与化解宏观债务风险都有积极作用。本文通过对资产证券化的分类以其特点进行了介绍,并介绍了资产证券化对我国资本市场和银行业的作用,
摘 要:塞尚的艺术成熟时期特色鲜明。他强调纯粹的绘画,追求绘画的形式构成,强调画面视觉要素的构成秩序。通过绘画,在自然的表象之下发掘某种简单的形式,将眼见的视象构成秩序化的图象。追求一种能塑造出鲜明、结实的形体的绘画语言,他放弃了传统的艺术观念和法则,要运用圆柱体、球体和锥体来描绘对象。在他的作品中都富于一些立体几何意味,这便形成了塞尚式结构绘画的独特风格和面貌。  关键词:塞尚;艺术风格;立体;
一.中学生学习体育的兴趣特点  1.具有广泛性  中学阶段的学生受应试教育的影响,长年疲于应付考试、升学,但多数学生随着学习的深入,求知欲有所增强,他们不但关心课内的学习与锻炼,而且对课外体育活动及班级、校内外之间的各种比赛很感兴趣。  2.具有选择性  在教学中我发现,不少学生对各种运动项目有不同的兴趣和选择,往往表现出对喜欢的项目有非常强烈的热情和浓厚的兴趣,而对不喜欢的项目就缺乏学习的欲望。
摘 要:目前地域特色文化研究大部分只局限于文字上的研究报告,发散思维相对不够。在这种情况下,突破文字研究的界限,利用特色产品设计是很具有时代性的,本课题研究形式新颖,具有相当的时代性及可行性。通过地域特色文化研究与手语视觉形象语言结合运用,形成新型的产品设计,旨在保护中国传统文化的同时,让更多人们开始关注聋哑人群。充分利用中国的传统文化背景以及区域文化特色设计进行开发研究,是非常有市场研究价值的。
摘 要:我国早在2000多年前的《黄帝内经》中就明确提出人和自然是一个统一体的思想,认为人类的生存、健康和疾病与环境有着密切的关系。虽然园艺疗法在国外发展已趋成熟,但在我国园艺疗法的提出还是近几年的事。本文通过考虑空间环境、植物配置和一人为本设计理念,具体论述康复景观营造内容。  关键词:康复景观;空间;植物;人文  首先,空间环境的设计。空间围合度:由于空间的位置不同,心理感受也不同;所以空间环
摘 要:本文以作品实例《牛背摇篮》展开分析藏族舞蹈基本特征、风格特点和舞蹈形式做出详细的分析论证最后对藏族民间舞蹈的传承发展展开探讨。  关键词:风格;动律;发展  藏族居住在西藏、青海、甘肃、四川、云南等省,是我国一个具有悠久历史和古老文化的民族,藏族民间舞蹈是农牧文化与宗教文化融合而成的,是藏族人民在自然环境和风俗习惯的共同陶冶和哺育下形成的,民间舞蹈形式极为丰富多彩、风格韵味各不相同,又因为