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  Fans of Natsume and Nyanko-sensei rejoice: the second season of Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume’s
  Book of Friends) has finally arrived! Packed with great humor, intense tragedy and poetic dialogue, the
  1)supernatural 2)slice-of-life show is designed to squeeze a tear out of your laughter.
  A boy named Takashi Natsume has the ability to see spirits. He inherits the Book of Friends from his grandmother, Reiko, who had that same ability. The book contains the names of the spirits that Reiko has defeated. Anyone who gets hold of it can control these spirits. Now that Natsume has that book, he is pursued by spirits longing for its power and those who just wish for their names to be returned…
  Those who have not seen Natsume Yuujinchou might assume that the anime would look familiar. After all, we have so many spirit- or monster-centered anime, haven’t we? My 3)initial expectation was of another noisy and funny series; the show, rather, is a calm, slow-burning tale of a boy and his quest for a sense of belonging. One of the things that I particularly like is the 4)evolution of Natsume’s
  character throughout the
  series. With the 5)subtle touch of delicate 6)dilemmas and 7)enchanting atmospheres, Natsume gradually grows from a lonely orphan to a 8)self-assured young man, who has to put up with a lot but still wants to do what he believes is right.
  Loneliness can, I guess, push someone in two opposite directions. Some let the isolation eat away at them; while for others, like Natsume, it gives them a 9)keener sense of 10)empathy for others’ feelings.
  The anime struck me with that 11)stream of
  consciousness so powerful that he doesn’t just narrate events but thinks his feelings, his happiness and his 12)frustrations aloud.
  There are as many wonderful and beautiful things in the spirit 13)realm, as well as things that are ugly and tragic. Most stories actually end up feeling
  14)bittersweet. The humorous tune always leaves a bitter
  15)aftertaste, striking a perfect balance between the moving and just plain funny. After all these moments of comedy and tragedy, at the centre of it is a warm heart that makes me eager to see what’s around the next corner. It’s no wonder that the original manga by Yuki Midorikawa has been known as “the most tear-
  shedding story in LaLa.”
  It feels like just yesterday that I watched the
  16)finale of Season One. It’s a cool autumn evening with friendship, beautiful fireworks, golden leaves on the trees and a sense of hope for the future. This anime has ended up in my top ten shows for 2008, and with the second season starting, maybe it’ll be in my top ten for 2009 as well. So, if you haven’t had the chance to watch the first season, I’d strongly 17)recommend that you catch up and join this wonderful journey with
  Natsume and Nyanko-sensei. See you there!


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