Fission Product Neutron Cross Section Library and Its Reliability Assessment

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldcoffee_10
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A complete library of neutron cross section data has been developed for fission product nuclides.It contains data for 1 121 fission product nuclides of mass number A from 66 to 172 and atomic numbers Z from 22 to 72,where involves a lot of very short-lived radioactive ones.The data were taken from better A complete library of neutron cross section data has been developed for fission product nuclides. It contains data for 1 121 fission product nuclides of mass number A from 66 to 172 and atomic numbers Z from 22 to 72 where where a lot of very short- lived radioactive ones. the data were taken from better
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