
来源 :预防医学情报杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nitendo1
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目的应用艾滋病防治知识竞赛棋对大学生进行艾滋病相关知识的宣传,使学生在游戏的同时了解艾滋病防治知识。方法采用整群抽样的方法对鹰潭市职业技术学院2006-09入学的全部大学新生进行基线调查,之后将其分为干预组和对照组。干预组使用竞赛棋,对照组发放宣传资料进行宣教,3个月后对2组宣教效果进行评估。结果宣传活动后,干预组学生对“HIV不能从外表看出”、“母婴传播”、“握手/拥抱/礼节性亲吻不传播HIV”、“安全套可降低HIV传播危险”、“吸毒者更易感染HIV”的知晓情况分别较宣传活动前提高11.96%、4.25%、10.08%和5.10%(P<0.01、P<0.05、P<0.01、P<0.01),对照组学生无明显变化。干预组学生在“HIV不能从外表看出、”蚊虫叮咬不传播HIV“、”男同性恋易于传播HIV“和”性病患者更容易感染HIV“的回答正确率(98.28%、91.26%、89.25%、94.27%)均高于对照组学生(85.88%、80.00%、77.94%、95.88%)(P<0.01、P<0.01、P<0.01、P<0.01)。对艾滋病的相关态度,”艾滋病的恐惧感“和”是否应该公开艾滋病人的身份“方面,干预组学生下降的比例(-32.76%、-27.07%)明显高于对照组学生下降比例(-28.5%、-14.99%)(P<0.01、P<0.01)。结论艾滋病宣教棋对大学生在宣传”非传播途径“、”预防知识“以及”高危人群更容易感染HIV方面“等知识方面比单纯发放宣传资料效果好,态度转变也更明显。 Objective To apply HIV / AIDS prevention and control knowledge contest to educate college students about HIV / AIDS related knowledge so that students can learn AIDS prevention knowledge while playing games. Methods A cluster sampling method was used to conduct a baseline survey of all college freshmen enrolled in Yingtan Vocational and Technical College from 2006 to 2006, and then divided into intervention group and control group. The intervention group used the competition chess, the control group issued the propaganda material to carry on the missionary education, after 3 months evaluated the effect of the two groups’ missionary education. Results After the campaign, students in the intervention group were not able to detect HIV from the outside, ”“ mother-to-child transmission, ”“ handshake / hug / courtesy kissing did not spread HIV, ”and“ condoms reduced HIV transmission (P <0.01, P <0.05, P <0.01, P <0.01), respectively, compared with the pre-marketing activities of ”dangerous“ and ”drug users more vulnerable to HIV infection“ , No significant change in the control group of students. Intervention group of students in the ”HIV can not be seen from the appearance, “ the mosquito bites do not spread HIV ”, “ gay male is easy to spread HIV ”and “ STD patients more susceptible to HIV ”the correct answer rate (98.28% , 91.26%, 89.25% and 94.27%, respectively) were higher than those of the control group (85.88%, 80.00%, 77.94% and 95.88%, P <0.01, P <0.01, P <0.01) (-32.76%, -27.07%) in the intervention group was significantly higher than that in the control group (-32.76%, -27.07%) in the control group 28.5%, -14.99%, respectively) (P <0.01, P <0.01) .Conclusion AIDS educational chess is very helpful to college students in their promotion of “non-transmission pathways”, “prevention knowledge” and “ ”Knowledge and other aspects than simply the dissemination of promotional materials, the effect is also more obvious change.
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碳捕捉与储存(carbon capture and storage,CCS)技术可以减少CO2气体排放,从而减缓全球气候变暖。但把CO2液化后进行地质封存具有泄漏的风险,如何大面积、快速、高效地监测CO2泄漏点是一个技术难题。该文通过野外模拟试验,以大豆为试验对象,研究了地下储存的CO2轻微泄漏对地表植被及其遥感特征的影响。大豆在2008年6月4日播种,自7月4日开始CO2气体以1L/min的速度
目的 为了解玉溪市自1992年将乙肝疫苗纳入儿童免疫管理以来,人群乙肝疫苗的免疫状况,为制定科学有效的控制措施提供依据.方法 采用分层和整群抽样(PPS)的方法,对抽中的4个区