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恐怖电影作为美国好莱坞电影的重要类型,自诞生以来其旺盛的生命力影响着大批的电影观众。经过一百多年的延续它的发展并未因为时空跨越而停滞,吸血鬼、科学怪人、狼人依旧是商业化电影表达的重要母题。对过去、当下、未来以及人类自我的难以把控和认识是一切恐怖片的缘起。 As an important genre of Hollywood movies in the United States, horror movies have had a great influence on a large number of moviegoers since their birth. After a hundred years of continuity, its development has not stopped because of space-time leaps and bounds. Vampires, Frankenstein and Werewolf are still the important motifs of commercial movie expression. It is the origin of all horror films about the past, the present, the future and the inability to control and recognize human self.
We have investigated numerically the behaviours of identical FitzHugh-Nagumo systems, which are coupled into topologies of regular one-dimensional lattice, smal
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Electron temperature gradient driven instability in toroidal plasmas with negative magnetic shear is studied.Full electron kinetics is considered, and the behav
In this paper we present a detailed computational study of an incompressible Newtonian fluid flow across a periodic array of two-dimensional cylinders which is
Based on the invariance of Birkhoffian equations under the infinitesimal transformations of groups, the definition and the criterion of a form invariance for a
We investigate the entanglement properties of the two-mode coherent fields inter,ting with a two-level atom via the two-photon transition.We discuss the quantum
We have proposed a model of periodic axial magnetized hollow tube for atom guidance (1999 Opt. Commun. 16072-4). In the present paper, an analytic solution of t