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元朝实现了我国历史上前所未有的统一,疆域空前辽阔,境内外多元文化交流活跃。这不仅为人们游历四方提供了条件,更开阔了眼界。无论是出自政治、经济、宗教或其他什么原因,所经是陆地还是海洋,所至是中原还是边疆,甚至是域外,人们耳目所及,心头所感,所形成的作品题材新颖,内容丰富,展示了蒙元时期许多独特的历史内涵及文化色彩。本期特别关注栏目将引领读者跟随元人的足迹,去感受其笔下的历史文化、风土人情。 The Yuan Dynasty realized the unprecedented unity in history of our country. The territory was unprecedentedly vast and multicultural exchanges were active both at home and abroad. This not only provides the conditions for people to travel around the Quartet, but also broadens their horizons. Whether by political, economic, religious or other reasons, whether by land or by sea, by the Central Plains or the borderlands, or even by the outside world, people think of what they see and what they feel. The works formed are novel, rich in content and are displayed During the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, many unique historical connotations and cultural colors. Special attention to this issue will lead the reader to follow the footsteps of the yuan, to feel the pen history and culture, customs.
克罗恩病61例肠镜表现分析马朝建季大年欧平安项平徐富星克罗恩病(Crohn disease,CD)是一种胃肠道非特异性肉芽肿炎症性病变.该病的诊断因首次出现症状至确诊平均需35个月,需结合临床、X线、内镜和病理表现,其中内镜下诊断已成为重要手段.由于病程缓慢,反复发作,因而内镜下形态各异.
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