
来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanjia456
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同样一个鱼池、同样一片水域、同样一种心情,有的钓友频频上鱼,有的钓友无所事事,有的钓友望水发呆,这样一幅场景,对我们每一位钓鱼人都不陌生,同行数十人,总有钓多的,也有钓少的,而装备却都是一样的精良,用饵也没太大差别,但高手却总是高手,空手也总是空手。偶尔的一次丰收代表的只是运气,但每钓必丰靠的却是一 The same a fish pond, the same piece of water, the same kind of mood, some fishing friends frequently fish, some angling friends doing nothing, some Diaoyu look daze, such a scene, we are not strangers to every fisherman , Dozens of peers, there are always many fishing, but also fishing less, but the equipment is the same as excellent, not too much difference with the bait, but the master is always master, empty-handed is always empty-handed. Occasionally a good harvest represents only luck, but every catch is one
现将桉树扦插育苗的十大关键环节简介于下。1.采穗母株。用组培苗作母株,插穗生根状况好。2.母株年龄。母株年龄在1~3a生时,采穗扦插生根率高。 Eucalyptus cuttings are now
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