各位领导、各位嘉宾、老师们、同志们: 大家好!今天是广东省社会主义学院45周年华诞,在这大喜日子里,请允许我代表民革广东省委会、民盟广东省委会、民建广东省委会、民进广东省委会、农工党广东省委会、致公党广东省委会、九三学社广东省委会、台盟广东省委会以及省工商联,表示热烈的祝贺!向社院全体教职员工致以亲切的问候和崇高的敬意!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Guangdong Institute of Socialism. On this happy day, allow me to represent the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the China Democratic Revolution, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the NLD, Guangdong Provincial Committee of Democratic National Construction Association, Guangdong Provincial People’s Committee, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of China Labor Party, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of Zhugong Party, Guangdong Provincial Committee of Jiu San Society, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of Taiwan Province and Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce Give all the faculty members cordial greetings and high respect!