China Logistics Industry and Strategies for Korea companies

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  Abstract:As the world factory strives to climb the global value chain and China’s domestic consumer market becomes growingly sophisticated,efficient movement of goods along the supply chains is now critical for every business success as well as China’s overall competitiveness.Demand for modern logistics services is growing at stellar pace.
  1 Competitive landscape and developments
  of market player1.1 Logistics market is fragmented;rising costs and heated
  competition eroding players’ gross margin
  China’s logistics market is fragmented,characterized by tens of thousands of logistics firms;and many of them are small,poorly organized and with rudimentary infrastructure and technology.A competition is fierce,particularly in low-end market.
  1.2 Enterprises offering integrated services showed
  most impressive revenue growth
  Revenue of logistics enterprises with integrated services was growing at a much rate (37.9%) than traditional storage (22%)
  1.3 Foreign players accelerate expansion
  Foreign players are eyeing the opportunities of the Chinese market and continue to accelerate their expansion.Mergers and acquisitions activities are shifting to high gear.
  2 Major challenges of the industry
  2.1 Rising costs
  Fuel prices:Fuel prices in China have continued to climb over the past years.It is estimated that fuel accounts for 35-40% of transportation enterprises’ overall cost.
  Land cost:The increase in land use tax has put tremendous pressure on land-intensive warehousing enterprises.2.2 Financing bottlenecks
  Shrinking operating cash flows are hurting smaller players with weaker capital strength.
  2.3 In-house mindsets slow down 3PLs
  developments in China
  Although the majority of multinational corporations use 3PL in China,it is estimated that only 15% of domestic companies outsource their logistics functions today.
  2.4 Localized services increase supply chain costs
  As most logistics companies in China operate only in their immediate regions and take little initiatives to develop more comprehensive network,a three-tier distribution system has lowered efficiency and visibility.
  2.5Lack of unified top-level institutional coordination
  Multiple government departments have been responsible for monitoring different aspects of the logistics industry in China.
  2.6 Imbalanced transport infrastructure development
  Although strong exports in past decades have stimulated the infrastructural development in China in important coastal regions,infrastructure capacity in China is unbalanced.
  2.7 Constraints on human resources
  The demand for talent has outstripped supply in the logistics industry.
  3 The strategies that Korea logistics
  companies enter China market
  (1)Recognizing related regulations of China Government:①Prior to entrance,it is necessary to survey the permission or regulations in China market;②In addition to grasping independent regulations of local government.
  (2)Finding out possible areas:Road transportation area is a prospect of entrance in China market because China government recommend foreign investment and the Korea logistics company have more experience.
  (3)Requiring logistics system with regard to China entering of manufacturing industry:Considering immature warehousing and storage systems in China,warehousing management and operation area have outlook.
  (4)Establishing partnership with local China logistics company:①Prepare national wide transportation service network;②Possible to provide efficient logistic service for customer.
  (5)Entering together with domestic manufacturing companies:First performing logistics activities required by domestic companies and enlarge service to China and multinational companies.
  (6)Choosing places with good infrastructure capacity like Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,Dalian,Qingdao etc.
  [1]Li & Fung Research Center.Research paper,China Logistics industry 2007-2008.
  [2]Research paper,Logistics in China written by KPMG China firm.
  [3]China Logistics industry and Korea companies' measurement.Park Chang Ho at Incheon Logistics Research center in Korea.
  [4]Choi Seo Yun at Korea Development Bank research center.China Logistics industry growing process and implication.
张晓然  上海地区《新民晚报》文娱主编    去年上海地区节目的整体水平比较高,其中以上海电视台纪实频道和艺术人文频道的节目尤为突出。上海电视台纪实频道的《大师》节目,讲述在中国实业、科学、文学、艺术、教育、新闻乃至宗教等领域开风气之先的大人物的故事。截取历史片断、还原本真,折射出历史全貌,节目的层次和质量都比较高。  艺术人文频道定位高端人群,节目相对高雅,能够体现出艺术性和欣赏性,整体水平整齐
庄小蕾  杭州地区浙江日报集团资深记者    杭州地区的节目中,收视率排名靠前的以民生新闻类节目为主,贴近百姓已经成为其最大的优势,同时这类民生新闻已经进入到以主持人品牌带动节目品牌的阶段。  杭州电视台西湖明珠频道的《阿六头说新闻》本土化程度很高,每年几乎平均在7%左右的收视率可以说是占据了收视率排行榜上第一的位置。内容基本属于鸡毛蒜皮小事组成的市井新闻,大家也都习惯收看这样一档新闻节目。主持人
广州地区的收视口味和节目格局具有特殊性,本土观众收看市网和省网中香港地区电视台的节目相对较多,非土生土长的广州观众还是收看上星频道和本地地面频道的节目为主。晚间6:30到7:00的新闻时间段,毋庸置疑是广州电视台、广东电视台珠江频道等新闻节目一统天下。在晚间9:00以后香港地区的电视节目逐渐显露出优势,获得最大的收视关注。  去年比较火的两档节目是广东电视台公共频道的综艺游戏节目《五年级插班生》、
自2月中旬以来,美欧股市陆续下探新低点。出于对全球经济危机的深切担忧,传统硬通货——黄金大涨。2月20日左右,国际金价时隔一年重返1000美元高点,国内金价也一再攀升。  对于传媒娱乐业来说,各大影视机构和公司在遭受经济危机冲击、预期资金流不乐观的情况下,明星的“硬通货”价值也更为凸显——明星是吸引眼球最有效的法宝,尤其是经济动荡时期,越大牌的明星和越成熟的套路,意味着收视率和票房的保险系数越高。
由《综艺》和搜狐联合主办的“第二届《综艺》年度节目暨电视人”评选,大众(网络)调查数据(截至2月24日)显示,虽然距网络票选截止日期还有近一个月时间,但投票参与总人数已经超过2000万,相关节目视频也成为网友点击观看热点。  搜狐网上 “年度节主持人”、“年度上星频道节目30佳”、“年度地面频道节目20强”、“ 年度节目”四个奖项,经过网友的一轮投票后,各候选人和节目的人气已经形成梯队,2008年
2009年春节期间,SMG娱乐频道通过三次“收视发动”,创造了该频道历年新春收视的最新纪录,成为SMG全天时段收视份额上升或持平的7个频道中,收视份额上涨最多的一个频道。  根据CSM媒介研究的统计数据,SMG旗下的多台晚会在上海本地的收视率超过10%,其中,《十大笑星评选庆典晚会》拔得头筹,《十大快乐明星家庭颁奖礼》和《十大笑星总决赛》分别位列第二和第三。在东方卫视和娱乐频道并机播出的《舞林盛典