
来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjappleshujin
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A novel method under the interactive multiple model (IMM) filtering framework is presented in this paper, in which the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is used to identify the process noise covariance Q online. For the existing IMM filtering theory, the matrix Q is determined by means of design experience, but Q is actually changed with the state of the maneuvering target.Meanwhile it is severely influenced by the environment around the target, i.e., it is a variable of time. Therefore, the experiential covariance Q can not represent the influence of state noise in the maneuvering process exactly. Firstly, it is assumed that the evolved state and the initial conditions of the system can be modeled by using Gaussian distribution, although the dynamic system is of a nonlinear measurement equation, and furthermore the EM algorithm based on IMM filtering with the Q identification online is proposed. Secondly, the truncated error analysis is performed. Finally,the Monte Carlo simulation results are given to show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms and the tracking precision for the maneuvering targets is improved efficiently.
为了试验超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)的基本原理,设计了1台220 V/25 A/6 kW的SFCL-MES模型样机.提出了一种用于配电系统的SFCL-MES的系统结构,它由2个串联于变电站负荷的故障
目前大多数关于FBG压力敏感的研究都基于轴向压力,而关于FBG侧向压力敏感的研究却很少,加强侧向压力传感器的研究很有必要。 At present, most of the studies on FBG press
采用分层吸收渐变电荷倍增(SAGCM)结构,通过两次扩散、多层介质淀积、AuZn p 型欧姆接触、AuGeNi n 型欧姆接触等工艺,设计制造了正面入射平面 InP/InGaAs 雪崩光电二极管,器
研究在19 ps/7ns脉冲序列作用下C60甲苯溶液的Z-扫描理论曲线.在7 ns脉冲激发下,单重态第一激发态向三重态基态的跃迁导致下一个脉冲作用时,三重态的吸收和折射也起作用,脉冲
This paper is concerned with the problem of robust sliding-mode filtering for a class of uncertain nonlinear discrete-time systems with time-delays. The nonline