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以上海市某商务区为例,分别计算并比较区域型天然气分布式供能系统、楼宇型天然气分布式供能系统以及江水源热泵系统等不同规模、不同配置下的能源系统规划产生的节能、环保、经济等效益,探索低碳城区能源系统的顶层设计思路及方法,同时为决策服务。结论如下:区域型天然气分布式供能系统节能减排效益最明显,预计1年可节约标煤量约14 916 t,同时可减少CO2排放40 325 t,减少NOx排放约241 t,减少SO2排放约394 t,减少烟尘排放约165 t,但此类型能源站的投资也最大,约为11.9亿元,投资回收期为12.9a,同时还存在现实政策瓶颈可能严重影响经济效益发挥。建议结合地块开发逐步建设并形成“中心站+卫星站”的区域型天然气分布式供能系统,以实现环保、经济和社会效益的共赢。 Taking a commercial district in Shanghai as an example, the energy system planning of different size and configuration of regional natural gas distributed power supply system, building natural gas distributed power supply system and river water source heat pump system are calculated and compared respectively. Environmental protection, economy and other benefits to explore the low-carbon urban energy system top-level design ideas and methods, and for decision-making services. The conclusions are as follows: The regional natural gas distributed energy supply system has the most obvious energy-saving and emission-reduction benefits. It is estimated that the standard coal consumption will be saved for about 14,916 t in a year, 40,325 t for CO2 emission, 241 t for NOx reduction and SO2 emission reduction About 394 tons and about 165 tons of soot emissions. However, this type of energy station also has the largest investment of about 1.19 billion yuan and the payback period of investment is 12.9 years. At the same time, the bottleneck of actual policy may seriously affect the economic benefits. It is suggested that a regional natural gas distributed energy supply system with “central station + satellite station” should be gradually constructed and formed in light of the development of the land parcel so as to achieve a win-win situation of environmental protection, economic and social benefits.
本刊简介:《北方农业学报》为我国综合性农业学术期刊,中国农林核心期刊(2020版),1973年创刊,双月刊,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 15-1375/S,国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-11
《中国整形与重建外科(英文)》(简称“CJPRS”)CN10-1634/R6 ISSN2096-6911是国家卫生健康委员会主管、中国整形美容协会主办的国内第一本正式公开发行的整形类英文学术期刊