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哪里是个性与任性的界河,您提出了一个非常有意义的问题。它反映的是家庭教育促进儿童发展的“度”的问题,即怎样使孩子既具有自主意识和独立性,又不至于过分自我中心,不顾及他人的愿望和想法。如果我没有理解错的话,您所说的“个性”就是指有主见,有独立意识,能坚持自己的观点,而不是唯唯诺诺、一味顺从。您认为在这个充满艰辛的世界里,孩子们需要并应该具有这样的个性,不主张压抑孩子的个性,您的这种想法相当正确,且十分可贵。尤其在中国这个拥有数千年封建传统的国度中,您的这种教育观点体现了适应人之本性的进步性和现代特征。孩子任性是指孩子为所欲为,以自我为中心,不听他人讲道理,不服管教,也就是平常所言的“无理取闹”。比较典型的任性行为常常是坚持自己的要求,不论合理与否,通过各种手段,如哭闹、在地上打滚、以不吃饭相威胁等以使他人满足自己的要求。家庭教育的 Where is the boundary between personality and waywardness, you put forward a very meaningful question. It reflects the issue of family education in promoting children’s development, that is, how to make children not only self-centered and independent but also disregard of other people’s wishes and ideas. If I did not understand it wrongly, what you mean by “personality” refers to assertiveness and independence, and can stick to your point of view, rather than obedience and obedience. You think in this difficult world, children need and should have such a personality, do not advocate to suppress the child’s personality, your idea is quite correct, and very valuable. Especially in China, a country with thousands of years of feudal tradition, your educational view embodies the progressive and modern characteristics that adapt to human nature. Unscrupulous child refers to the children do whatever they want, self-centered, do not listen to others reason, refused to discipline, that is usually said More often than not, the most typical of willful behavior is to persevere in its own requirements, whether it is reasonable or not, through various means such as crying, rolling on the ground, threatening not to eat, etc. to satisfy others. Family education
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