
来源 :食品科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beryl1830
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前不久,国家发改委、农业部、科技部和中国轻工业联合会联合发布了《食品工业“十一五”发展纲要》。《发展纲要》确定了“十一五”食品工业发展的重点行业,有粮食加工业、食用植物油加l业、果蔬加工业、肉类加工业、水产加工业、乳制品加工业、饮料制造业、制糖工业等8个行业。为了便于行业人士及读者深入了解《发展纲要》,本刊在国家发改委工业司、产业发展研究所的支持下,将陆续摘编发布“十一五”期间,我国对这些重点行业的具有发展方向的指导性及前瞻性的纲领性战略构思。 Not long ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Science and Technology and China National Light Industry Council jointly released the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for the Development of Food Industry. The “Outline for Development” has identified key industries for the development of the food industry in the “11th Five-Year Plan”, including food processing industry, edible vegetable oil industry, fruit and vegetable processing industry, meat processing industry, aquatic product processing industry, dairy product processing industry and beverage manufacturing industry , Sugar industry, eight industries. In order to facilitate in-depth understanding of the “Outline for Development” by industry professionals and readers, with the support of the Industrial Development Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Institute of Industrial Development, we will successively publish and publish the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, and our country will have a development direction for these key industries Guiding and forward-looking programmatic strategic thinking.
一、调整企业经营策略,拓宽市场,扩大销售 企业的经营策略,决定着企业的市场占有率、盈利能力及发展能力。在当前市场销售疲软的情况下,国营商业企业要改变经营被动的局面,就
— —计划与市场的关系——计划经济与市场调节相结合的最佳点………………………………………·,··姜作培(豆.8)在治理整顿中计划调节与市场调节的关系……··,……··
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人不可任性,但不能没有个性。企业亦然。 日本东京有家商店叫秋叶园,人们习惯称它「百元店」。一百日元,约合5元多人民币,在物价昂贵的日本,实在是「小钱」。可该店有袋装的