
来源 :徐州市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wheatsnow
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徐政发〔2016〕27号2016年4月19日各县(市)、区人民政府,徐州经济技术开发区、新城区管委会,市各委、办、局(公司),市各直属单位:《全市招商引资工作考核办法》已经市政府研究同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。全市招商引资工作考核办法为主动适应经济发展新常态,充分调动全市招商引资工作的积极性和主动性,根据《关于2016年全市招商引资工作的意见》(徐委发〔2016〕7号)精神,市委、市政府决 Xu Zhengfa [2016] No. 27 April 19, 2016 All counties (cities), district people’s governments, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xincheng District Administrative Committee, municipal commissions, offices and bureaus (companies) The Measures for the Assessment of Work of Attracting Foreign Investment in the City have been researched and approved by the municipal government and are hereby issued to you. Please conscientiously carry it out. According to the “Opinions on Attracting Foreign Investment in 2016 of the Whole City” (XU Fa Fa [2016] No.7), the municipal government and the municipal government, in charge of promoting the work of attracting foreign investment in the city, actively mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of the city to attract foreign investment. Municipal government decision
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蒋介石确立全国统治的财经原因是 :对内笼络上海资产阶级 ,控制经济心脏地区 ,并对武汉政府实行财经封锁 ,促使其瓦解 ;同时提出裁军 ,削减军费 ,调整关税 ,整顿盐务 ,首创统
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在关于《中共中央关于制定国民经济与社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》的说明中,习近平总书记引用古人之言:“理者,物之固然,事之所以然也。”从而指出:发展理念是发展行动的先导,是管全局、管根本、管方向、管长远的东西,是发展思路、发展方向、发展着力点的集中体现。  该典故出于明末清初的思想家王夫之的《张子正蒙注》。《张子正蒙注》是北宋大儒张载的代表作,王夫之为之作注。在解释“循天下之理之谓道,得天下之理
Guangdong was one of China’s first foreign trade ports and the birthplace and starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road.At the forefront of China’s ope
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美国海洋生物摄影师Shawn Heinrichs与几位朋友合作开展了一个另类的水下项目:美丽的女孩与鲸鲨——世界上最大的水下动物海底同游。Shawn介绍这个项目的团队中有设计师、潜