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通过对分立型铀、钍燃料组件 ,使用在秦山 30 0MW电功率压水堆核电厂中堆芯物理特性的探讨 ,寻找2 3 2 Th在PWR中可能利用的途径。为此 ,特采用铀、钍燃料组件分立的双进料系统的装卸料方法 ,其堆芯寿期分别为铀组件 3个循环 ;钍组件 1 0个循环。并以秦山核电厂为参考电厂 ,进行了 1 0个循环的燃耗计算 ,每一循环装料时均有 4个钍组件进堆。计算结果表明 :到第 1 0循环寿期末 ,堆芯中 40个钍组件所含的2 3 3 U总量已达到 2 1 2 6kg ,可直接参与堆芯的链式反应 ,从而达到利用2 3 2 Th的目的。并可同全铀组件堆芯比较中看出 ,分立型铀、钍组件混装堆芯每一循环 (第 1 0循环后 )可少装 2 0 0多kg2 3 5U ,这样就为钍 铀燃料循环展示了光明的前景。当然如果要达到实际应用 ,仍有许多工程技术问题亟待解决 Through the discussion of core physical characteristics of discrete uranium and thorium fuel assemblies in a Qinshan 300MW PWR nuclear power plant, this paper explores the possible ways that 2 3 2 Th can be used in PWR. To this end, special use of uranium, thorium fuel components separate dual feed system loading and unloading methods, the core life of the uranium components were 3 cycles; thorium components 10 cycles. Qinshan nuclear power plant as a reference power plant, carried out 10 cycles of fuel consumption calculations, each cycle has four thorium components into the heap charge. The calculation results show that by the end of the 10th cycle, the total amount of 2 3 3 U contained in the 40 thorium components in the core has reached 2126kg, which can directly participate in the chain reaction of the core to achieve the utilization of 2 3 2 Th’s purpose. It can be seen from the comparison with the uranium assembly core that more than 200 kg2 3 5 U can be installed less per cycle (after the 10th cycle) of discrete uranium and thorium composite mixed reactors so that thorium uranium fuel The cycle shows a bright future. Of course, if you want to achieve practical application, there are still many engineering and technical problems to be solved
由于全球老龄化,射血分数保留的心力衰竭(heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,HFpEF)发生率持续上升。虽然HFpEF的病理生理机制仍然不完全清楚,但通常认为内皮
目的:筛选出能够高效特异性沉默自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)阴茎海绵体平滑肌细胞(CCSMC)内1-磷酸鞘氨醇受体3(S1PR3)基因表达的siRNA慢病毒载体,并观察其对SHR CCSMC ROCK1、ROCK